[HTML][HTML] A review of feldspar alteration and its geological significance in sedimentary basins: From shallow aquifers to deep hydrocarbon reservoirs
The feldspar group is one of the most common types of minerals in the earth's crust.
Feldspar alteration (including the whole processes of feldspar dissolution, transfer of …
Feldspar alteration (including the whole processes of feldspar dissolution, transfer of …
Review of diagenetic facies in tight sandstones: Diagenesis, diagenetic minerals, and prediction via well logs
The tight sandstones are characterized by low porosity, low permeability, complex pore
structure and strong heterogeneity due to the extensive diagenetic modifications they …
structure and strong heterogeneity due to the extensive diagenetic modifications they …
[BOK][B] Petrology of sedimentary rocks
S Boggs Jr - 2009 - books.google.com
This textbook outlines the physical, chemical, and biologic properties of the major
sedimentary rocks, as revealed by petrographic microscopy, geochemical techniques, and …
sedimentary rocks, as revealed by petrographic microscopy, geochemical techniques, and …
[PDF][PDF] Sandstone diagenesis: the evolution of sand to stone
Fig. 1 Pressure–temperature diagram relating diagenesis to metamorphic regimes and
typical P–T gradients in Earth's crust. The crustal geotherm of 10 C km− 1 is representative …
typical P–T gradients in Earth's crust. The crustal geotherm of 10 C km− 1 is representative …
Petroleum reservoir quality prediction: overview and contrasting approaches from sandstone and carbonate communities
The porosity and permeability of sandstone and carbonate reservoirs (known as reservoir
quality) are essential inputs for successful oil and gas resource exploration and exploitation …
quality) are essential inputs for successful oil and gas resource exploration and exploitation …
Diagenetic controls on evolution of porosity and permeability in lower Tertiary Wilcox sandstones from shallow to ultradeep (200–6700 m) burial, Gulf of Mexico Basin …
SP Dutton, RG Loucks - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2010 - Elsevier
Reservoir quality is a critical risk factor in deep to ultradeep reservoirs at depths> 4.5 km.
Analysis of Paleogene Wilcox sandstones on the upper Texas Gulf Coast provides insight …
Analysis of Paleogene Wilcox sandstones on the upper Texas Gulf Coast provides insight …
Diagenesis and reservoir quality evolution of palaeocene deep-water, marine sandstones, the Shetland-Faroes Basin, British continental shelf
The Palaeocene, deep-water marine sandstones recovered from six wells in the Shetland-
Faroes Basin represent lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tract turbiditic …
Faroes Basin represent lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tract turbiditic …
Diagenesis of a tight gas sand reservoir: upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group, Piceance Basin, Colorado
The Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group in the Piceance Basin, western Colorado,
contains thick sections of low porosity, low permeability sandstones that are reservoirs for …
contains thick sections of low porosity, low permeability sandstones that are reservoirs for …
Smectite-illite-muscovite transformations, quartz dissolution, and silica release in shales
PC van de Kamp - Clays and Clay Minerals, 2008 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Quantitative analysis of the smectite-to-illite and illite-to-muscovite transformations indicates
that 17–28 wt.% SiO2 and 17–23 wt.% SiO2, respectively, are liberated during these …
that 17–28 wt.% SiO2 and 17–23 wt.% SiO2, respectively, are liberated during these …
Reactive transport modeling of coupled feldspar dissolution and secondary mineral precipitation and its implication for diagenetic interaction in sandstones
Dissolution of feldspars and precipitation of secondary minerals (kaolinite, illite and quartz)
are significant diagenetic processes in arkosic sandstones. We examined moderately buried …
are significant diagenetic processes in arkosic sandstones. We examined moderately buried …