Exploitation of sexual signals by predators and parasitoids

M Zuk, GR Kolluru - The Quarterly Review of Biology, 1998 - journals.uchicago.edu
Signals used to attract mates are often conspicuous to predators and parasites, and their
evolution via sexual selection is expected to be opposed by viability selection. Many …

Diptera as parasitoids

DH Feener Jr, BV Brown - Annual review of entomology, 1997 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Parasitoids in the insect order Diptera include an estimated 16,000 species, or
approximately 20% of the total number of species with this life-style. Parasitoids in this order …

[KNIHA][B] Principles of animal communication

JW Bradbury, SL Vehrencamp - 1998 - learninglink.oup.com
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …

[KNIHA][B] Parasites and the behavior of animals

J Moore - 2002 - books.google.com
When a parasite invades an ant, does the ant behave like other ants? Maybe not-and if it
doesn't, who, if anyone, benefits from the altered behaviors? The parasite? The ant …

Habitat structure and the evolution of bird song: a meta-analysis of the evidence for the acoustic adaptation hypothesis

G Boncoraglio, N Saino - Functional Ecology, 2007 - JSTOR
1. Habitat structure has been considered as a main factor sha** the evolution of bird song
acoustics. 2. Based on expected differential patterns of sound degradation in different …

[HTML][HTML] Increased pretreatment C-reactive protein-to-albumin ratio predicts severe coronavirus disease 2019

X Wang, Y Xu, H Huang, D Jiang, C Zhou, H Liao… - 2020 - europepmc.org
Objective: The aim of this study was to identify early warning signs for severe coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods We retrospectively analysed the clinical data of 90 …

Chordotonal organs of insects

LH Field, T Matheson - Advances in insect physiology, 1998 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary Chordotonal organs are generally found in Insecta and Crustacea. In
insects, chordotonal organs occur in great morphological diversity, and are found at nearly …

The structure and function of auditory chordotonal organs in insects

JE Yack - Microscopy research and technique, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Insects are capable of detecting a broad range of acoustic signals transmitted through air,
water, or solids. Auditory sensory organs are morphologically diverse with respect to their …

How some insects detect and avoid being eaten by bats: Tactics and Countertactics of Prey and Predator: Evolutionarily speaking, insects have responded to selective …

LA Miller, A Surlykke - Bioscience, 2001 - academic.oup.com
Articles cies below 10 kHz or above 200 kHz. Higher frequencies improve resolution, but
they attenuate at a greater rate (Surlykke 1988) and the detection distance is reduced …

Hyperacute directional hearing in a microscale auditory system

AC Mason, ML Oshinsky, RR Hoy - Nature, 2001 - nature.com
The physics of sound propagation imposes fundamental constraints on sound localization:
for a given frequency, the smaller the receiver, the smaller the available cues. Thus, the …