Rise of the Colorado Plateau: A synthesis of paleoelevation constraints from the region and a path forward using temperature-based elevation proxies
The Colorado Plateau's complex landscape has motivated over a century of debate, key to
which is understanding the timing and processes of surface uplift of the greater Colorado …
which is understanding the timing and processes of surface uplift of the greater Colorado …
Redefining the age of the lower Colorado River, southwestern United States
Sanidine dating and magnetostratigraphy constrain the timing of integration of the lower
Colorado River (southwestern United States and northern Mexico) with the evolving Gulf of …
Colorado River (southwestern United States and northern Mexico) with the evolving Gulf of …
The mystery of baselevel controls in the incision history of the central Colorado Plateau
Erosion can remain active and changing in landscapes long after tectonic drivers have
ceased, potentially due to local‐geologic controls, climate changes, or geodynamics. We …
ceased, potentially due to local‐geologic controls, climate changes, or geodynamics. We …
Initial results of coring at Prees, Cheshire Basin, UK (ICDP JET project): towards an integrated stratigraphy, timescale, and Earth system understanding for the Early …
Drilling for the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Early Jurassic
Earth System and Timescale project (JET) was undertaken between October 2020 and …
Earth System and Timescale project (JET) was undertaken between October 2020 and …
New 10Be-26Al isochron burial dating informs the Pliocene and Pleistocene evolution of the lower Colorado River, southwestern United States
Abstract Four new 10 Be-26 Al isochron burial ages ranging from 4.4 to 2 Ma on ancestral
Colorado River deposits in the lower Colorado River corridor (LCRC) help constrain the …
Colorado River deposits in the lower Colorado River corridor (LCRC) help constrain the …
Timing and geometry of the Chemehuevi Formation reveal a late Pleistocene sediment pulse into the Lower Colorado River
The Chemehuevi Formation is a distinctive 50− 150-m-thick wedge-shaped Pleistocene
sedimentary unit deposited by the Colorado River. It lines the perimeters of the river's …
sedimentary unit deposited by the Colorado River. It lines the perimeters of the river's …
Evaluating the Shinumo-Sespe drainage connection: Arguments against the “old”(70–17 Ma) Grand Canyon models for Colorado Plateau drainage evolution
The provocative hypothesis that the Shinumo Sandstone in the depths of Grand Canyon was
the source for clasts of orthoquartzite in conglomerate of the Sespe Formation of coastal …
the source for clasts of orthoquartzite in conglomerate of the Sespe Formation of coastal …
Post–12 Ma deformation in the lower Colorado River corridor, southwestern USA: Implications for diffuse transtension and the Bouse Formation
Structural evidence presented here documents that deformation was ongoing within the
lower Colorado River corridor (southwestern USA) during and after the latest Miocene …
lower Colorado River corridor (southwestern USA) during and after the latest Miocene …
Neogene drainage reversal and Colorado Plateau uplift in the Salt River area, Arizona, USA
Usingle bondPb detrital zircon and 40 Arsingle bond 39 Ar detrital sanidine dating of
paleoriver deposits refines the timing of the mid-Cenozoic drainage reversal from NE-to SW …
paleoriver deposits refines the timing of the mid-Cenozoic drainage reversal from NE-to SW …
Tectonostratigraphic record of late Miocene–early Pliocene transtensional faulting in the Eastern California shear zone, southwestern USA
Abstract The Eastern California shear zone (ECSZ; southwestern USA) accommodates~
20%–25% of Pacific–North America relative plate motion east of the San Andreas fault, yet …
20%–25% of Pacific–North America relative plate motion east of the San Andreas fault, yet …