Urbanization impact on regional climate and extreme weather: Current understanding, uncertainties, and future research directions
Urban environments lie at the confluence of social, cultural, and economic activities and
have unique biophysical characteristics due to continued infrastructure development that …
have unique biophysical characteristics due to continued infrastructure development that …
Systematic exploration of heat wave impact on mortality and urban heat island: A review from 2000 to 2022
The current climate change is responsible for the growth in number of extreme climatic
events like heat waves (HWs), which occur frequently with more intense effects. HW poses …
events like heat waves (HWs), which occur frequently with more intense effects. HW poses …
A review of recent developments in the impact of environmental measures on urban heat island
The global boom in urbanization and infrastructure, especially in develo** countries, has
resulted in the urban heat island (UHI). This recent review analyzes the current development …
resulted in the urban heat island (UHI). This recent review analyzes the current development …
[HTML][HTML] Recent challenges in modeling of urban heat island
PA Mirzaei - Sustainable cities and society, 2015 - Elsevier
The elevated air temperature of a city, urban heat island (UHI), increases the heat and
pollution-related mortality, reduces the habitats' comfort and elevates the mean and peak …
pollution-related mortality, reduces the habitats' comfort and elevates the mean and peak …
[HTML][HTML] Nature-based solutions (nbss) to mitigate urban heat island (UHI) effects in Canadian cities
Canada is warming at double the rate of the global average caused in part to a fast-growing
population and large land transformations, where urban surfaces contribute significantly to …
population and large land transformations, where urban surfaces contribute significantly to …
Urban heat island: mechanisms, implications, and possible remedies
Urban heat island (UHI) manifests as the temperature rise in built-up urban areas relative to
the surrounding rural countryside, largely because of the relatively greater proportion of …
the surrounding rural countryside, largely because of the relatively greater proportion of …
WRF simulations of urban heat island under hot-weather synoptic conditions: The case study of Hangzhou City, China
The urban heat island (UHI) effect over Hangzhou, east China during a long-lasting heat
wave was simulated by a weather research and forecasting (WRF) model coupled with an …
wave was simulated by a weather research and forecasting (WRF) model coupled with an …
[HTML][HTML] Secondary effects of urban heat island mitigation measures on air quality
This study presents numerical simulations analysing the effect of urban heat island (UHI)
mitigation measures on the chemical composition of the urban atmosphere. The mesoscale …
mitigation measures on the chemical composition of the urban atmosphere. The mesoscale …
[HTML][HTML] The extreme heat wave of July–August 2021 in the Athens urban area (Greece): Atmospheric and human-biometeorological analysis exploiting ultra-high …
Greece was affected by a prolonged and extreme heat wave (HW) event (July 28–August
05) during the abnormally hot summer of 2021, with the maximum temperature in Athens …
05) during the abnormally hot summer of 2021, with the maximum temperature in Athens …
Multiscale numerical assessment of urban overheating under climate projections: A review
Climate change and urbanization have exacerbated concerns about urban overheating,
affecting thermal comfort, heat-related mortality, and urban energy consumption, especially …
affecting thermal comfort, heat-related mortality, and urban energy consumption, especially …