Development of a Boston-area 50-km fiber quantum network testbed
Distributing quantum information between remote systems will necessitate the integration of
emerging quantum components with existing communication infrastructure. This requires …
emerging quantum components with existing communication infrastructure. This requires …
Designing noise-robust quantum networks coexisting in the classical fiber infrastructure
The scalability of quantum networking will benefit from quantum and classical
communications coexisting in shared fibers, the main challenge being spontaneous Raman …
communications coexisting in shared fibers, the main challenge being spontaneous Raman …
100-km entanglement distribution with coexisting quantum and classical signals in a single fiber
The development of prototype metropolitan-scale quantum networks is underway and
entails transmitting quantum information via single photons through deployed optical fibers …
entails transmitting quantum information via single photons through deployed optical fibers …
[PDF][PDF] Quantum teleportation coexisting with conventional classical communications in optical fiber
JM Thomas, FI Yeh, JH Chen, JJ Mambretti… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 -
The optical fiber infrastructure and telecommunications technology that underlie the Internet
have been widely adopted by researchers seeking to develop quantum networks capable of …
have been widely adopted by researchers seeking to develop quantum networks capable of …
Orchestration of Entanglement Distribution over a Q-LAN using the IEQNET Controller
Orchestration of Entanglement Distribution over a Q-LAN using the IEQNET Controller Page 1
Orchestration of Entanglement Distribution over a Q-LAN using the IEQNET Controller Joaquin …
Orchestration of Entanglement Distribution over a Q-LAN using the IEQNET Controller Joaquin …
[HTML][HTML] Quantum teleportation coexisting with classical communications in optical fiber
JM Thomas, FI Yeh, JH Chen, JJ Mambretti, SJ Kohlert… - Optica, 2024 -
The ability for quantum and conventional networks to operate in the same optical fibers
would aid the deployment of quantum network technology on a large scale. Quantum …
would aid the deployment of quantum network technology on a large scale. Quantum …
Entangled Photon Pair Source Demonstrator Using the Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit System
We report the first demonstration of using the Quantum Instrumentation and Control Kit
(QICK) system on RFSoC-FPGA technology to drive the electro-optic intensity modulator that …
(QICK) system on RFSoC-FPGA technology to drive the electro-optic intensity modulator that …
Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with a coexisting clock using transceivers for synchronization over deployed fiber
Interference between independently generated photons is a key step towards distributing
entanglement over long distances, but it requires synchronization between the distantly …
entanglement over long distances, but it requires synchronization between the distantly …
Experimental Demonstration of High Precision Time Transfer in FPGA for 5G and 6G Networks
With the current roll out of 5G and efforts to accelerate the 6G framework, network and
applications are evolving to a scenario where real-time requirements will be more critical …
applications are evolving to a scenario where real-time requirements will be more critical …
Quantum and Classical Communications in Shared Optical Fibers: Teleportation and Beyond
JM Thomas, FI Yeh, JH Chen, JJ Mambretti… - CLEO: Fundamental …, 2024 -
Quantum and Classical Communications in Shared Optical Fibers: Teleportation and Beyond
Page 1 Quantum and Classical Communications in Shared Optical Fibers: Teleportation and …
Page 1 Quantum and Classical Communications in Shared Optical Fibers: Teleportation and …