Land use and ecological change: A 12,000-year history

EC Ellis - Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 2021 -
Human use of land has been transforming Earth's ecology for millennia. From hunting and
foraging to burning the land to farming to industrial agriculture, increasingly intensive human …

People have shaped most of terrestrial nature for at least 12,000 years

EC Ellis, N Gauthier, K Klein Goldewijk… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
Archaeological and paleoecological evidence shows that by 10,000 BCE, all human
societies employed varying degrees of ecologically transformative land use practices …

A global assessment of the drivers of threatened terrestrial species richness

C Howard, CH Flather, PA Stephens - Nature communications, 2020 -
High numbers of threatened species might be expected to occur where overall species
richness is also high; however, this explains only a proportion of the global variation in …

IUCNN – Deep learning approaches to approximate species' extinction risk

A Zizka, T Andermann, D Silvestro - Diversity and Distributions, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Aim The Red List (RL) from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature is
the most comprehensive global quantification of extinction risk, and widely used in applied …

The interface between macroecology and conservation: existing links and untapped opportunities

L Santini, LH Antão, M Jung… - Frontiers of …, 2021 -
Human activities are altering the structure of ecosystems, compromising the benefits they
provide to nature and people. Effective conservation actions and management under …

Human disturbance increases spatiotemporal associations among mountain forest terrestrial mammal species

X Li, WV Bleisch, W Hu, Q Li, H Wang, Z Chen, R Bai… - Elife, 2024 -
Spatial and temporal associations between sympatric species underpin biotic interactions,
structure ecological assemblages, and sustain ecosystem functioning and stability …

Disproportionate loss of threatened terrestrial mammals along anthropogenic disturbance gradients

X Li, W Hu, WV Bleisch, Q Li, H Wang, B Ti… - Science of The Total …, 2022 - Elsevier
Tens of thousands of species are increasingly confronted with habitat degradation and
threatened with local extirpation and global extinction as a result of human activities …

Effects of future climate change on rare and endangered species in inner Mongolia, China: Vulnerability, priority conservation areas and sustainable conservation …

X Dong, J Gong, X Li, L Song, Z Zhang… - Biodiversity and …, 2024 - Springer
Rare and endangered species have narrow geographical distributions and are vulnerable to
environmental changes. Studying the impact of future climate change on their distributions …

The legacy of past human land use in current patterns of mammal distribution

E Polaina, M González‐Suárez, E Revilla - Ecography, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Multiple environmental factors are known to shape species distributions at the global scale,
including climate and topography, but understanding current extents of occurrence and …

Spatiotemporal distribution patterns of large and medium-sized mammals in a biodiversity hotspot: Implications for conservation

W Hu, X Li, KO Onditi, H Wang, W Song, Z Hu… - Biological …, 2025 - Elsevier
Understanding wildlife distribution patterns in relation to human disturbance and
environmental variables across varying spatial and temporal dimensions is crucial for …