Grazing vs. mowing: A meta-analysis of biodiversity benefits for grassland management
To maintain the high biodiversity of semi-natural grasslands, management by grazing or
mowing is needed. Given the limited resources and few remaining areas, the best …
mowing is needed. Given the limited resources and few remaining areas, the best …
Abandoning grassland management negatively influences plant but not bird or insect biodiversity in Europe
Grasslands are globally distributed and naturally occurring; however, in Europe, most
grasslands are anthropogenically created or altered by livestock grazing or mowing. Low …
grasslands are anthropogenically created or altered by livestock grazing or mowing. Low …
Estimating leaf area index and aboveground biomass of grazing pastures using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat images
Grassland degradation has accelerated in recent decades in response to increased climate
variability and human activity. Rangeland and grassland conditions directly affect forage …
variability and human activity. Rangeland and grassland conditions directly affect forage …
A multitaxa assessment of the effectiveness of agri-environmental schemes for biodiversity management
Agri-environmental schemes (AES) aim to restore biodiversity and biodiversity-mediated
ecosystem services in landscapes impoverished by modern agriculture. However, a …
ecosystem services in landscapes impoverished by modern agriculture. However, a …
European grassland ecosystems: threatened hotspots of biodiversity
Biodiversity is not homogenously distributed over the globe, and ecosystems differ strongly
in the number of species they provide. With this special issue we highlight the ecology and …
in the number of species they provide. With this special issue we highlight the ecology and …
Habitat fragmentation causes immediate and time‐delayed biodiversity loss at different trophic levels
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 597–605 Abstract Intensification or abandonment of agricultural
land use has led to a severe decline of semi‐natural habitats across Europe. This can cause …
land use has led to a severe decline of semi‐natural habitats across Europe. This can cause …
The historical and socioeconomic perspective of calcareous grasslands—lessons from the distant and recent past
P Poschlod, MF WallisDeVries - Biological Conservation, 2002 - Elsevier
Calcareous grasslands are one of the most species-rich habitats and a central issue in
nature conservation management in Europe. Comparative vegetation ecological studies let …
nature conservation management in Europe. Comparative vegetation ecological studies let …
Fifty years of change in Central European grassland vegetation: Large losses in species richness and animal-pollinated plants
There is growing concern that biodiversity loss in European agricultural landscapes is
having negative effects on functional trait diversity. Long-term studies examining vegetation …
having negative effects on functional trait diversity. Long-term studies examining vegetation …
[KNIHA][B] Status of pollinators in North America
National Research Council, Division on Earth… - 2007 - books.google.com
Pollinators-insects, birds, bats, and other animals that carry pollen from the male to the
female parts of flowers for plant reproduction-are an essential part of natural and agricultural …
female parts of flowers for plant reproduction-are an essential part of natural and agricultural …
Homogenization of lepidopteran communities in intensively cultivated agricultural landscapes
Landscape simplification and habitat fragmentation may cause severe declines of less
mobile and habitat specialist species and lead to biotic homogenization of species …
mobile and habitat specialist species and lead to biotic homogenization of species …