Production of bioethanol from starchy tuber (Amorphophallus commutatus) and antimicrobial activity study of its extracts
B Prakash, S Sundararaju, K Renukaradhya… - 2020 -
Biofuels have been regaining popularity due to the rising price of oil, along with the growing
concern about global warming caused by carbon dioxide emissions. Biofuels are processed …
concern about global warming caused by carbon dioxide emissions. Biofuels are processed …
[PDF][PDF] Pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman sawi (Brassica juncea l.) akibat pemberian pupuk urin kelinci dengan jenis dan dosis pemberian yang berbeda
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk urin kelinci berbasis
MoL dengan jenis dan dosis yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman …
MoL dengan jenis dan dosis yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman …
[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Media Tanam dan Pemupukan Npkterhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Damar Mata Kucing (Shorea javanica)
Cibodas botanical garden–LIPI had compost product based on organic waste material (litter,
grass, twigs, and fruit) which were collected from garden. Compost was produced by two …
grass, twigs, and fruit) which were collected from garden. Compost was produced by two …
Pertumbuhan Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla King) pada Media Tanah Pascatambang Pasir Silika dan Pot Organik di Persemaian
Komposisi pot organik berbahan dasar koran bekas, kompos pupuk kandang, dan cocopeat
dapat menjadi alternatif dari penggunaan polybagdan menambah unsur hara pada media …
dapat menjadi alternatif dari penggunaan polybagdan menambah unsur hara pada media …
Effect of Banana Bark and Cow's Blood Meal Compost on the Green Lettuce Plants (Lactuca sativa L.) Growth
A Pratiwi, A Wulandari - Journal of Biotechnology and Natural …, 2023 -
Green lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is a vegetable crop that is in great demand by the public,
but its production is relatively low so that it cannot meet the high market demand. One of the …
but its production is relatively low so that it cannot meet the high market demand. One of the …
Pengaruh Aplikasi Bakteri Azotobacter sp. dan Dosis Pupuk Kotoran Kambing terhadap Serapan Nitrogen, Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.)
LL Maknuna, S Soeparjono - Plumula: Berkala Ilmiah …, 2023 -
Abstract Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.) merupakan tanaman pangan yang banyak
dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia setelah padi. Produksi jagung Indonesia beberapa …
dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia setelah padi. Produksi jagung Indonesia beberapa …
[PDF][PDF] Pemilihan Kebutuhan Unsur Hara Dengan Metode Certainty Factor Pada Tanaman Dalam Pot (Tabulampot)
As the population increases rapidly, it can not be avoided the reduction of land in the
surrounding environment. This, can affect the desire of the community to apply a hobby or …
surrounding environment. This, can affect the desire of the community to apply a hobby or …
Kompetisi Akar Kakao dan Langsat Dalam Serapan Nitrogen Pada Sistem Agroforestri Sederhana: Evaluasi Setahun Setelah Aplikasi Pupuk: Competition of Cacao …
Abstract Sistem agroforestri di Dusun Lemo Baru Kabupaten Polewali Mandar memerlukan
perhatian khusus mengenai persaingan antar tanaman terhadap serapan hara dan …
perhatian khusus mengenai persaingan antar tanaman terhadap serapan hara dan …
The Effect of Different Fertilization Frequency on Some Nutrient Content of Palm Plant Grown in Peat Swamp
The lack of suitable land (S1) for oil palm plantations is the reason for the current use of
marginal land (S3) in oil palm plantations, both for companies and smallholders. Peat …
marginal land (S3) in oil palm plantations, both for companies and smallholders. Peat …
RP Apryan - 2024 -
One of the obstacles in cultivating corn is that the land used includes marginal land that has
low soil fertility such as Ultisol soil. Efforts that can be made to improve Ultisol soil are by …
low soil fertility such as Ultisol soil. Efforts that can be made to improve Ultisol soil are by …