Maximal subextension and approximation of m-subharmonic function

N Van Phu, NQ Dieu - Michigan Mathematical Journal, 2025 -
Maximal Subextension and Approximation of m-Subharmonic Function Page 1 Michigan Math.
J. (Advance Publication) Maximal Subextension and …

[PDF][PDF] Complex m-Hessian Type Equations in Em, χ (Ω)

N Van Phu, NQ Dieu, NX Yem - arxiv preprint arxiv:2307.08904, 2023 -
In this paper, we first concern with the existence of solutions of the complex m− Hessian type
equation− χ (u) Hm (u)= µ where µ vanishes on all of m− polar sets in the class Em, χ (Ω) …

Complex -Hessian Type Equations in Weighted Energy Classes of -subharmonic Functions with Given Boundary Value

N Van Phu, NQ Dieu - Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2024 -
1. Introduction Page 1 TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Vol. xx, No. x, pp. 1–12, xx
20xx DOI: 10.11650/tjm/241204 Complex m-Hessian Type Equations in Weighted Energy …

Weighted energy class of m-subharmonic functions

HT Anh, N Van Phu, NQ Dieu - Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 2025 - Springer
In this paper, we introduce the class E m, F (Ω) and solve complex m-Hessian equations in
the class E m, F (Ω). After that, we study subextension in the class E m, F (Ω) with the …

[CITATION][C] Complex m-Hessian Type Equations in the class Em, χ (Ω)

N Van Phu, NQ Dieu, NX Yem - arxiv preprint arxiv:2307.08904, 2023