Information aggregation and collective intelligence beyond the wisdom of crowds

T Kameda, W Toyokawa, RS Tindale - Nature Reviews Psychology, 2022 -
In humans and other gregarious animals, collective decision-making is a robust behavioural
feature of groups. Pooling individual information is also fundamental for modern societies, in …

Exploration versus exploitation in space, mind, and society

TT Hills, PM Todd, D Lazer, AD Redish… - Trends in cognitive …, 2015 -
Search is a ubiquitous property of life. Although diverse domains have worked on search
problems largely in isolation, recent trends across disciplines indicate that the formal …

[KNJIGA][B] Sociality: the behaviour of group-living animals

A Ward, M Webster - 2016 - Springer
Social organisation in animals takes many forms. It includes assemblages of territorial
animals, dominance hierarchies and social groups, among other things. The basic tenet that …

A new bio-inspired optimisation algorithm: Bird Swarm Algorithm

XB Meng, XZ Gao, L Lu, Y Liu… - Journal of Experimental & …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
A new bio-inspired algorithm, namely Bird Swarm Algorithm (BSA), is proposed for solving
optimisation applications. BSA is based on the swarm intelligence extracted from the social …

Tinbergen's four questions: an appreciation and an update

P Bateson, KN Laland - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2013 -
This year is the 50th anniversary of Tinbergen's (1963) article 'On aims and methods of
ethology', where he first outlined the four 'major problems of biology'. The classification of the …

[KNJIGA][B] Principles of animal communication

JW Bradbury, SL Vehrencamp - 1998 -
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …

Collective animal behavior

DJT Sumpter - Collective animal behavior, 2010 -
Fish travel in schools, birds migrate in flocks, honeybees swarm, and ants build trails. How
and why do these collective behaviors occur? Exploring how coordinated group patterns …

Living in groups

RR Krausz - Transactional Analysis Journal, 2013 -
The author shares some lessons learned from a lifetime of working with and thinking about
groups. Three types of groups are described, including the impact they have on the …

Social learning strategies

KN Laland - Learning & behavior, 2004 - Springer
In most studies of social learning in animals, no attempt has been made to examine the
nature of the strategy adopted by animals when they copy others. Researchers have …

What's social about social learning?

C Heyes - Journal of comparative psychology, 2012 -
Research on social learning in animals has revealed a rich variety of cases where animals—
from caddis fly larvae to chimpanzees—acquire biologically important information by …