Information aggregation and collective intelligence beyond the wisdom of crowds
In humans and other gregarious animals, collective decision-making is a robust behavioural
feature of groups. Pooling individual information is also fundamental for modern societies, in …
feature of groups. Pooling individual information is also fundamental for modern societies, in …
Exploration versus exploitation in space, mind, and society
Search is a ubiquitous property of life. Although diverse domains have worked on search
problems largely in isolation, recent trends across disciplines indicate that the formal …
problems largely in isolation, recent trends across disciplines indicate that the formal …
[KNJIGA][B] Sociality: the behaviour of group-living animals
Social organisation in animals takes many forms. It includes assemblages of territorial
animals, dominance hierarchies and social groups, among other things. The basic tenet that …
animals, dominance hierarchies and social groups, among other things. The basic tenet that …
A new bio-inspired optimisation algorithm: Bird Swarm Algorithm
A new bio-inspired algorithm, namely Bird Swarm Algorithm (BSA), is proposed for solving
optimisation applications. BSA is based on the swarm intelligence extracted from the social …
optimisation applications. BSA is based on the swarm intelligence extracted from the social …
Tinbergen's four questions: an appreciation and an update
This year is the 50th anniversary of Tinbergen's (1963) article 'On aims and methods of
ethology', where he first outlined the four 'major problems of biology'. The classification of the …
ethology', where he first outlined the four 'major problems of biology'. The classification of the …
[KNJIGA][B] Principles of animal communication
JW Bradbury, SL Vehrencamp - 1998 - learninglink.oup.com
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …
Collective animal behavior
DJT Sumpter - Collective animal behavior, 2010 - degruyter.com
Fish travel in schools, birds migrate in flocks, honeybees swarm, and ants build trails. How
and why do these collective behaviors occur? Exploring how coordinated group patterns …
and why do these collective behaviors occur? Exploring how coordinated group patterns …
Living in groups
RR Krausz - Transactional Analysis Journal, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
The author shares some lessons learned from a lifetime of working with and thinking about
groups. Three types of groups are described, including the impact they have on the …
groups. Three types of groups are described, including the impact they have on the …
Social learning strategies
KN Laland - Learning & behavior, 2004 - Springer
In most studies of social learning in animals, no attempt has been made to examine the
nature of the strategy adopted by animals when they copy others. Researchers have …
nature of the strategy adopted by animals when they copy others. Researchers have …
What's social about social learning?
C Heyes - Journal of comparative psychology, 2012 - psycnet.apa.org
Research on social learning in animals has revealed a rich variety of cases where animals—
from caddis fly larvae to chimpanzees—acquire biologically important information by …
from caddis fly larvae to chimpanzees—acquire biologically important information by …