Heusler alloys for spintronic devices: review on recent development and future perspectives
Heusler alloys are theoretically predicted to become half-metals at room temperature (RT).
The advantages of using these alloys are good lattice matching with major substrates, high …
The advantages of using these alloys are good lattice matching with major substrates, high …
Heusler, weyl and berry
Heusler compounds, initially discovered by Fritz Heusler more than a century ago, have
grown into a family of more than 1,000 compounds, synthesized from combinations of more …
grown into a family of more than 1,000 compounds, synthesized from combinations of more …
Simple rules for the understanding of Heusler compounds
Heusler compounds are a remarkable class of intermetallic materials with 1: 1: 1 (often
called Half-Heusler) or 2: 1: 1 composition comprising more than 1500 members. Today …
called Half-Heusler) or 2: 1: 1 composition comprising more than 1500 members. Today …
Accelerated discovery of new magnets in the Heusler alloy family
Magnetic materials underpin modern technologies, ranging from data storage to energy
conversion to contactless sensing. However, the development of a new high-performance …
conversion to contactless sensing. However, the development of a new high-performance …
[HTML][HTML] Basics and prospective of magnetic Heusler compounds
Heusler compounds are a remarkable class of materials with more than 1000 members and
a wide range of extraordinary multi-functionalities including halfmetallic high-temperature …
a wide range of extraordinary multi-functionalities including halfmetallic high-temperature …
New permanent magnets; manganese compounds
JMD Coey - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2014 - iopscience.iop.org
The exponential growth of maximum energy product that prevailed in the 20th century has
stalled, leaving a market dominated by two permanent magnet materials, Nd 2 Fe 14 B and …
stalled, leaving a market dominated by two permanent magnet materials, Nd 2 Fe 14 B and …
Heusler 4.0: tunable materials
Heusler compounds are a large family of binary, ternary, and quaternary compounds that
exhibit a wide range of properties of both fundamental and potential technological interest …
exhibit a wide range of properties of both fundamental and potential technological interest …
Design scheme of new tetragonal Heusler compounds for spin-transfer torque applications and its experimental realization
Design Scheme of New Tetragonal Heusler Compounds for Spin-Transfer Torque
Applications and its Experimental Realization - PMC Skip to main content Here's how you …
Applications and its Experimental Realization - PMC Skip to main content Here's how you …
Electronic, structural, and magnetic properties of the half-metallic ferromagnetic quaternary Heusler compounds CoFeMn (, Ga, Si, Ge)
The quaternary intermetallic Heusler compounds CoFeMn Z (Z= Al, Ga, Si, or Ge) with 1: 1:
1: 1 stoichiometry were predicted to exhibit half-metallic ferromagnetism by ab initio …
1: 1 stoichiometry were predicted to exhibit half-metallic ferromagnetism by ab initio …
Large Zero-Field Cooled Exchange-Bias in Bulk
We report a large exchange-bias effect after zero-field cooling the new tetragonal Heusler
compound Mn 2 PtGa from the paramagnetic state. The first-principles calculation and the …
compound Mn 2 PtGa from the paramagnetic state. The first-principles calculation and the …