Three-dimensional discrete element modelling of tillage: Determination of a suitable contact model and parameters for a cohesionless soil
Highlights•The plastic deformation of soil must be considered in DEM of soil–tool
interaction.•DEM parameters can be determined using angle of repose and penetration …
interaction.•DEM parameters can be determined using angle of repose and penetration …
3D DEM tillage simulation: Validation of a hysteretic spring (plastic) contact model for a sweep tool operating in a cohesionless soil
Discrete element modelling (DEM) is a numerical method for examining the dynamic
behaviour of granular media. To enable an accurate DEM simulation to be run appropriate …
behaviour of granular media. To enable an accurate DEM simulation to be run appropriate …
Discrete element modelling of tillage forces and soil movement of a one-third scale mouldboard plough
Highlights•DEM has the potential to predict top soil burial of inversion tillage tools.•Soil bin
tested and DEM predicted forward soil movement show a consistent trend.•DEM simulated …
tested and DEM predicted forward soil movement show a consistent trend.•DEM simulated …
A review of the tractive performance of wheeled tractors and soil management in lowland intensive rice production
This paper reviews the cultivation practices and tractive performance using wheeled tractors,
and how these interact with soil management, in lowland intensive rice production. The …
and how these interact with soil management, in lowland intensive rice production. The …
Simulation of tillage forces and furrow profile during soil-mouldboard plough interaction using discrete element modelling
Highlights•DEM can be used to model mouldboard plough interaction.•DEM can predict
draught forces better than analytical methods.•Furrow profile can be predicted using …
draught forces better than analytical methods.•Furrow profile can be predicted using …
Discrete element method (DEM) simulation to improve performance of a mouldboard skimmer
Historically, most mouldboard plough research has been focused on improving the
performance of the mouldboard itself, with very little focus on other plough components such …
performance of the mouldboard itself, with very little focus on other plough components such …
Comparison of the discrete element and finite element methods to model the interaction of soil and tool cutting edge
Highlights•Effect of soil cutting edge geometry on tillage forces was modelled using
DEM.•Effect of soil cutting edge geometry on soil movement was modelled using DEM.•DEM …
DEM.•Effect of soil cutting edge geometry on soil movement was modelled using DEM.•DEM …
Prediction of draft forces in cohesionless soil with the Discrete Element Method
The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is applied to predict draft forces of a simple implement
in cohesionless granular material. Results are compared with small-scale laboratory tests in …
in cohesionless granular material. Results are compared with small-scale laboratory tests in …
Strategic tillage in Australian conservation agricultural systems to address soil constraints: How does it impact weed management?
In the conservation agricultural systems practised in Australia, cultivation is not commonly
utilised for the purpose of weed control. However, occasional use of tillage (strategic tillage) …
utilised for the purpose of weed control. However, occasional use of tillage (strategic tillage) …
Investigation of the predictability of mouldboard plough draught from soil mechanical strength (cone index vs. shear strength) using finite element modelling
Prediction models for draught of tillage implements using soil variables which can be readily
measured in the field are important tools in agricultural machinery management. In our …
measured in the field are important tools in agricultural machinery management. In our …