The importance of vitamin E for farmed fish—A review
Vitamin E (VE) is composed of a group of fat‐soluble molecules, from which the most active
homologous is α‐tocopherol. VE is a structural component of cell membranes with a potent …
homologous is α‐tocopherol. VE is a structural component of cell membranes with a potent …
Roles of reactive oxygen species in the spermatogenesis regulation
Spermatogenesis is a complex process of male germ cells proliferation and maturation from
diploid spermatogonia, through meiosis, to mature haploid spermatozoa. The process …
diploid spermatogonia, through meiosis, to mature haploid spermatozoa. The process …
[HTML][HTML] Comparative analysis between synthetic vitamin E and natural antioxidant sources from tomato, carrot and coriander in diets for market-sized Dicentrarchus …
Synthetic vitamin E is commonly used in aquafeeds to prevent oxidative stress in fish and
delay feed and flesh oxidation during storage, but consumers' preferences tend towards …
delay feed and flesh oxidation during storage, but consumers' preferences tend towards …
Cardio-protective properties and health benefits of fish lipid bioactives; the effects of thermal processing
The beneficial effects of fish-derived lipid bioactives have come to prominence over the last
few decades, especially for their utilization in fish oils, supplements, and nutraceuticals …
few decades, especially for their utilization in fish oils, supplements, and nutraceuticals …
Ecotoxic impact assessment of graphene oxide on lipid peroxidation at mitochondrial level and redox modulation in fresh water fish Anabas testudineus
Rapidly expanding nanoparticle industries are predicted to have turnover of∼ $173.95
billion by 2025, indicating an urgency to study their comprehensive toxicological impact (s) …
billion by 2025, indicating an urgency to study their comprehensive toxicological impact (s) …
β‐Carotene of Arthrospira platensis versus vitamin C and vitamin E as a feed supplement: Effects on growth, haemato‐biochemical, immune‐oxidative stress and …
Microalgae are one of the most important sources of natural bioactive compounds,
especially those revealing antioxidant activity such as β‐carotene. Thus, this study was to …
especially those revealing antioxidant activity such as β‐carotene. Thus, this study was to …
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) for the study of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) on the isolated frog skin (Pelophylax bergeri): A non-invasive method for …
Background Reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biological tissues of elected biosentinels
represent an optimal biomarker for eco-monitoring of polluted areas. Electron spin …
represent an optimal biomarker for eco-monitoring of polluted areas. Electron spin …
α‐Tocopherol in weaning diets for European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) improves survival and reduces tissue damage caused by excess dietary DHA contents
The objective of the present study was to investigate the combined effect of several dietary
contents of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), mainly docosahexaenoic acid …
contents of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), mainly docosahexaenoic acid …
Toxicity evaluation of graphene oxide and titania loaded nafion membranes in zebrafish
The use of nanomaterials in several application fields has received in the last decades a
great attention due to their peculiar properties, but also raised many doubts about possible …
great attention due to their peculiar properties, but also raised many doubts about possible …
Expanding role of vitamin E in protection against metabolic dysregulation: Insights gained from model systems, especially the develo** nervous system of zebrafish …
This review discusses why the embryo requires vitamin E (VitE) and shows that its lack
causes metabolic dysregulation and impacts morphological changes at very early stages in …
causes metabolic dysregulation and impacts morphological changes at very early stages in …