Promoting the integration of technology in teaching: An analysis of the factors that increase the intention to use technologies among Italian teachers
Background: The rapid spread of COVID‐19 forced many countries to adopt severe
containment measures, transferring all didactic activities into virtual environments. However …
containment measures, transferring all didactic activities into virtual environments. However …
Educational transitions and educational inequality: A multiple pathways sequential logit model analysis of Finnish birth cohorts 1960–1985
We developed a multiple pathways sequential logit model for analysing social background
inequality in completed education and applied it to analyse educational inequality in Finland …
inequality in completed education and applied it to analyse educational inequality in Finland …
Pushed or pulled? Girls and boys facing early school leaving risk in Italy
Compared to girls, boys are more at risk of early school leaving. However, it is unclear
whether gender differences are driven by push factors, which alienate students from the …
whether gender differences are driven by push factors, which alienate students from the …
Education as a positional good: Implications for social inequalities in educational attainment in Italy
The article examines trends of social inequalities in educational attainment in the second
half of the twentieth century in Italy, comparing two approaches. The traditional approach …
half of the twentieth century in Italy, comparing two approaches. The traditional approach …
Internal migration trajectories, occupational achievement and social mobility in contemporary Italy. A life course perspective
This work analyses the interrelation among migration, student career, job experiences and
family formation. It focuses on Italian South‐to‐North internal migration. Empirical analyses …
family formation. It focuses on Italian South‐to‐North internal migration. Empirical analyses …
Social stratification, secondary school tracking and university enrolment in Italy
G Ballarino, N Panichella - Contemporary Social Science, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This paper looks at class inequality in the probability of enrolling in university in Italy from a
long-term perspective. Given that Italian higher secondary education is tracked, it studies …
long-term perspective. Given that Italian higher secondary education is tracked, it studies …
Not all transitions are equal: The relationship between effects on passing steps in a sequential process and effects on the final outcome
ML Buis - Sociological Methods & Research, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
This article deals with a model for describing a sequence of events, for example, education
is typically attained by a set of transitions from one level of education to the next. In …
is typically attained by a set of transitions from one level of education to the next. In …
Le disuguaglianze di istruzione secondo l'origine sociale. Una rassegna della letteratura sul caso italiano
M Triventi - Scuola democratica, 2014 - rivisteweb.it
In this article I review the literature on educational inequalities according to social
background in Italy, with a focus on quantitative empirical research conducted in the last …
background in Italy, with a focus on quantitative empirical research conducted in the last …
Distance education among Italian teachers: Differences and experiences
The successful integration of technology in teaching is a key component of education.
Although prior research highlighted factors fostering the use of technology by teachers, few …
Although prior research highlighted factors fostering the use of technology by teachers, few …
[HTML][HTML] Geography, market potential and industrialization in Italy 1871–2001
This paper deals with industrialization in Italy between 1871 and 2001, and is based on data
on the labour force per province (NUTS 3) from population censuses. Particular attention is …
on the labour force per province (NUTS 3) from population censuses. Particular attention is …