Winding functions in transient magnetoquasistatic field-circuit coupled simulations
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to review the mutual coupling of electromagnetic
fields in the magnetic vector potential formulation with electric circuits in terms of (modified) …
fields in the magnetic vector potential formulation with electric circuits in terms of (modified) …
DAEs in circuit modelling: a survey
R Riaza - surveys in differential-algebraic equations I, 2013 - Springer
This paper surveys different analytical aspects of differential-algebraic models of electrical
and electronic circuits. The use of DAEs in circuit modelling has increased in the last two …
and electronic circuits. The use of DAEs in circuit modelling has increased in the last two …
Parallel-in-time simulation of eddy current problems using parareal
In this paper, the usage of the Parareal method is proposed for the time-parallel solution of
the eddy current problem. The method is adapted to the particular challenges of the problem …
the eddy current problem. The method is adapted to the particular challenges of the problem …
Dynamic iteration for coupled problems of electric circuits and distributed devices
Coupled systems of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) may suffer from instabilities
during a dynamic iteration. We extend the existing analysis on recursion estimates, error …
during a dynamic iteration. We extend the existing analysis on recursion estimates, error …
[КНИГА][B] Multiscale modeling and multirate time-integration of field/circuit coupled problems
S Schöps - 2011 - elekpub.bib.uni-wuppertal.de
This treatise was written during my employment at the Chair of Angewandte Mathematik und
Numerische Analysis of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal and my post-graduate research …
Numerische Analysis of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal and my post-graduate research …
Optimized field/circuit coupling for the simulation of quenches in superconducting magnets
In this paper, we propose an optimized field/circuit coupling approach for the simulation of
magnetothermal transients in superconducting magnets. The approach improves the …
magnetothermal transients in superconducting magnets. The approach improves the …
Systems of differential algebraic equations in computational electromagnetics
Starting from space-discretisation of Maxwell's equations, various classical formulations are
proposed for the simulation of electromagnetic fields. They differ in the phenomena …
proposed for the simulation of electromagnetic fields. They differ in the phenomena …
Robust stability of differential-algebraic equations
This paper presents a survey of recent results on the robust stability analysis and the
distance to instability for linear time-invariant and time-varying differential-algebraic …
distance to instability for linear time-invariant and time-varying differential-algebraic …
A structural analysis of field/circuit coupled problems based on a generalised circuit element
In some applications, there arises the need of a spatially distributed description of a physical
quantity inside a device coupled to a circuit. Then, the in-space discretised system of partial …
quantity inside a device coupled to a circuit. Then, the in-space discretised system of partial …
A stabilized circuit-consistent foil conductor model
The magnetoquasistatic simulation of large power converters, in particular transformers,
requires efficient models for their foils windings by means of homogenization techniques …
requires efficient models for their foils windings by means of homogenization techniques …