Psychological and interpersonal dimensions of sexual function and dysfunction
Introduction Psychological, interpersonal, and sociocultural factors play a significant role in
making one vulnerable to develo** a sexual concern, in triggering the onset of a sexual …
making one vulnerable to develo** a sexual concern, in triggering the onset of a sexual …
The role of cognitive processing factors in sexual function and dysfunction in women and men: a systematic review
Introduction Cognitive factors are conceptualized as playing a role in maintaining
psychological disorders—including sexual dysfunction—by influencing the way in which …
psychological disorders—including sexual dysfunction—by influencing the way in which …
Sexual performance anxiety
RE Pyke - Sexual medicine reviews, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Introduction Sexual performance anxiety (SPA) is one of the most prevalent sexual
complaints; yet, no diagnosis is recognized for either gender. Thus, research into treatment …
complaints; yet, no diagnosis is recognized for either gender. Thus, research into treatment …
Trading later rewards for current pleasure: Pornography consumption and delay discounting
Internet pornography is a multi-billion-dollar industry that has grown increasingly accessible.
Delay discounting involves devaluing larger, later rewards in favor of smaller, more …
Delay discounting involves devaluing larger, later rewards in favor of smaller, more …
Expanding the analysis of psychosocial factors of sexual desire in men
Background The literature lacks studies of the male sex drive. Most existing studies have
focused on hypoactive sexual desire disorder in coupled heterosexual men, highlighting …
focused on hypoactive sexual desire disorder in coupled heterosexual men, highlighting …
A place for sexual dysfunctions in an empirical taxonomy of psychopathology
Sexual dysfunctions commonly co-occur with various depressive and anxiety disorders. An
emerging framework for understanding the classification of mental disorders suggests that …
emerging framework for understanding the classification of mental disorders suggests that …
The role of anterior and posterior insula in male genital response and in visual attention: an exploratory multimodal fMRI study
Several studies highlighted the role of insula on several functions and in sexual behavior.
This exploratory study examines the relationships among genital responses, brain …
This exploratory study examines the relationships among genital responses, brain …
Cognitive-emotional predictors of sexual functioning in lesbians, gays, and heterosexuals
Cognitive-emotional dimensions play a core role in predisposing and maintaining sexual
difficulties. This study aimed to assess the role of personality traits, sexual beliefs, cognitive …
difficulties. This study aimed to assess the role of personality traits, sexual beliefs, cognitive …
[PDF][PDF] Relación del deseo sexual con la excitación sexual objetiva y subjetiva
Se examina la capacidad explicativa del deseo sexual diádico hacia la pareja, diádico
hacia una persona atractiva y en solitario sobre la excitación sexual objetiva y subjetiva. La …
hacia una persona atractiva y en solitario sobre la excitación sexual objetiva y subjetiva. La …
The effects of positive versus negative mood states on attentional processes during exposure to erotica
The relationship between emotions and sexual functioning has been documented since
early sex research. Among other effects, emotions are expected to impact sexual response …
early sex research. Among other effects, emotions are expected to impact sexual response …