[КНИГА][B] Laser-matter interaction for radiation and energy
HK Malik - 2021 - books.google.com
The interaction of high-power lasers with matter can generate Terahertz radiations that
efficiently contribute to THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy and also would replace X-rays in …
efficiently contribute to THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy and also would replace X-rays in …
Terahertz radiation with high power and high efficiency in a magnetized plasma
We propose a scheme for the generation of terahertz (THz) radiation in a plasma by beating
of two flat-topped laser beams when a static magnetic field is applied to the plasma with a …
of two flat-topped laser beams when a static magnetic field is applied to the plasma with a …
High-field coherent terahertz radiation generation from chirped laser pulse interaction with plasmas
This article presents a theoretical analysis of high-field terahertz (THz) radiation generation
from chirped laser pulse interaction with a plasma of slanting density modulation. The …
from chirped laser pulse interaction with a plasma of slanting density modulation. The …
Terahertz radiation generation through the nonlinear interaction of Hermite and Laguerre Gaussian laser beams with collisional plasma: field profile optimization
The nonlinear interaction of Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) laser beams
with a collisional inhomogeneous plasma is studied, and the amplitude of the emitted …
with a collisional inhomogeneous plasma is studied, and the amplitude of the emitted …
Simulation study of phase-matched THz emission from an axially modulated magnetized plasma
We studied and demonstrated the emission of THz waves by the beating of two CW-laser
beams in an axially modulated plasma in the presence of a static magnetic field (applied …
beams in an axially modulated plasma in the presence of a static magnetic field (applied …
Hat-top beams for generating tunable THz radiations using a medium of conducting nanocylinders
HK Malik, T Punia, D Sharma - Electronics, 2021 - mdpi.com
There are a large number of studies for terahertz (THz) radiation generation, but tunable THz
sources are still a challenge since it is difficult to tune frequency, focus and intensity of the …
sources are still a challenge since it is difficult to tune frequency, focus and intensity of the …
Dark hollow beams originating terahertz radiation in corrugated plasma under magnetic field
In the present process, two laser beams having the same doughnut profiles but different
frequencies are explored in space-periodic nonlinear plasma to produce nonlinear …
frequencies are explored in space-periodic nonlinear plasma to produce nonlinear …
Strong and collimated terahertz radiation by super-Gaussian lasers
We propose two super-Gaussian laser beams with frequency difference for obtaining more
collimated terahertz (THz) radiation at a desired position based on their order/index and for …
collimated terahertz (THz) radiation at a desired position based on their order/index and for …
Multifocal terahertz radiation by intense lasers in rippled plasma
This paper presents a theoretical model for the generation of terahertz radiation by cosh-
Gaussian laser beams of high intensity, which are capable of creating relativistic …
Gaussian laser beams of high intensity, which are capable of creating relativistic …
Generation of terahertz radiation by intense hollow Gaussian laser beam in magnetised plasma under relativistic-ponderomotive regime
P Rawat, V Rawat, B Gaur, G Purohit - Physics of Plasmas, 2017 - pubs.aip.org
This paper explores the self-focusing of hollow Gaussian laser beam (HGLB) in collisionless
magnetized plasma and its effect on the generation of THz radiation in the presence of …
magnetized plasma and its effect on the generation of THz radiation in the presence of …