Integration of single and dual command operations in non-traditional warehouse design

M Bortolini, FG Galizia, M Gamberi… - The international journal of …, 2020‏ - Springer
Non-traditional warehouses rise as effective solutions to shorten the travelled distances to
store and retrieve unit loads, adding aisles crossing the parallel racks. Multiple warehouse …

Comparison of expected distances in traditional and non-traditional layouts

M Tutam, JA White - Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2024‏ - World Scientific
The performance of a unit-load warehouse depends on numerous parameters such as
storage area, layout, aisle configuration, width-to-depth ratio, the number and locations of …

Aisle designs in unit-load warehouses with different flow policies of multiple pickup and deposit points

Y Kocaman, Ö Öztürkoğlu, Ş Gümüşoğlu - Central European Journal of …, 2021‏ - Springer
This study focuses on investigating the best layouts of a unit-load warehouse for single-
command operation. We propose a model for unit-load warehouses having a single cross …

Key performance measures and digital-era technologies in warehouses

Y Demirkiran, O Ozturkoglu - Operations And Supply Chain …, 2022‏ -
The manuscript aims to benchmark warehousing industries in develo** and developed
countries in terms of performance measures from the perspective of industry professionals …

Architectural approaches in the production process of logistics spaces

H Coza - Theories and Practices for Sustainable Urban Logistics, 2024‏ -
This study focuses on identifying architectural approaches in the production processes of
logistics spaces. Designing logistics areas requires the examination of various factors to …

Evaluating E-Commerce-Related distribution and warehousing in terms of sustainability

Y Demirkıran, IE Dizbay - … of Research on Sustainable Supply Chain …, 2020‏ -
In this chapter, the relationships between logistics operations and e-commerce are
investigated. The logistics operations are discussed under the distribution and warehousing …

A new warehouse design problem and a proposed polynomial-time optimal order picking algorithm Yeni bir depo tasarım problemi ve polinomsal zamanlı optimal …

Ö Öztürkoğlu, D Hoşer - Journal of the Faculty of Engineering …, 2018‏ -
In this study, we propose a new design problem that relates to orientation of cross aisles in
warehouses. In this problem, the main orthogonal cross aisle, which is very common to be …

Non-conventional warehouses: Comparison of the handling performances

M Bortolini, FG Galizia, M Gamberi, F Gualano… - Sustainable Design and …, 2021‏ - Springer
This paper proposes a comparison of the handling performances of three non-conventional
warehouses, ie, Chevron, Diagonal Cross Aisle, and Fishbone, toward the traditional layout …

Çok-Kapılı bir birim-yük depo tasarımında şekil ve orta-çapraz koridor konumunun değerlendirilmesi

M Tutam - Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2022‏ -
In recent years, thousands of products are ordered by online every day with the
development of e-commerce and customers expect their orders to be delivered on the same …

Yeni bir depo tasarım problemi ve polinomsal zamanlı optimal sipariş toplama algoritması önerisi

Ö Öztürkoğlu, D Hoşer - Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık …, 2018‏ -
Bu çalışmada, depolardaki ana koridorların yerleşim düzeni ile ilgili olarak yeni bir tasarım
problemi tanımlanmıştır. Bu problemde, depolarda sıklıkla kullanılan doğrusal düz orta ana …