A practical guide to selecting models for exploration, inference, and prediction in ecology
Selecting among competing statistical models is a core challenge in science. However, the
many possible approaches and techniques for model selection, and the conflicting …
many possible approaches and techniques for model selection, and the conflicting …
Predicting changes in the distribution and abundance of species under environmental change
J Ehrlén, WF Morris - Ecology letters, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Environmental changes are expected to alter both the distribution and the abundance of
organisms. A disproportionate amount of past work has focused on distribution only, either …
organisms. A disproportionate amount of past work has focused on distribution only, either …
Data-driven modelling of structured populations
Over the past 30 years, one of the most rapidly expanding areas in ecology has been the
development of structured population models, where individuals have attributes such as …
development of structured population models, where individuals have attributes such as …
Advancing population ecology with integral projection models: a practical guide
Integral projection models (IPM s) use information on how an individual's state influences its
vital rates–survival, growth and reproduction–to make population projections. IPM s are …
vital rates–survival, growth and reproduction–to make population projections. IPM s are …
Current and lagged climate affects phenology across diverse taxonomic groups
The timing of life events (phenology) can be influenced by climate. Studies from around the
world tell us that climate cues and species' responses can vary greatly. If variation in climate …
world tell us that climate cues and species' responses can vary greatly. If variation in climate …
Large niche differences emerge at the recruitment stage to stabilize grassland coexistence
C Chu, PB Adler - Ecological Monographs, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Niche differences and average fitness differences jointly determine coexistence. However,
little empirical information about the magnitude of these two mechanisms is available. Using …
little empirical information about the magnitude of these two mechanisms is available. Using …
Plant fitness in a rapidly changing world
JT Anderson - New Phytologist, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Modern reliance on fossil fuels has ushered in extreme temperatures globally and abnormal
precipitation patterns in many regions. Although the climate is changing rapidly, other …
precipitation patterns in many regions. Although the climate is changing rapidly, other …
From facilitation to competition: Temperature‐driven shift in dominant plant interactions affects population dynamics in seminatural grasslands
Biotic interactions are often ignored in assessments of climate change impacts. However,
climate‐related changes in species interactions, often mediated through increased …
climate‐related changes in species interactions, often mediated through increased …
Forecasting plant community impacts of climate variability and change: when do competitive interactions matter?
A change in a climate variable may alter a species' abundance not only through a direct
effect on that species' vital rates, but also through 'indirect'effects mediated by species …
effect on that species' vital rates, but also through 'indirect'effects mediated by species …
Transient population dynamics impede restoration and may promote ecosystem transformation after disturbance
The apparent failure of ecosystems to recover from increasingly widespread disturbance is a
global concern. Despite growing focus on factors inhibiting resilience and restoration, we …
global concern. Despite growing focus on factors inhibiting resilience and restoration, we …