Synthesis of Ni@ Au core-shell magnetic nanotubes for bioapplication and SERS detection

A Shumskaya, I Korolkov, A Rogachev… - Colloids and Surfaces A …, 2021 - Elsevier
Ni@ Au core-shell nanotubes were synthesized using a two-stage method including Ni
nanotubes growth in pores of PET template and their electroless wet-chemical …

Development of High Efficiency Metamaterial Antenna Structures for Near-Field and Far-Field Applications

A Dave - 2022 -
With the advent of mmwave 5G, and future G technologies, there is a path paved for
multitude of applications in the cellular, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), internet-of …

Permeability and ferromagnetic resonance study for magnetic nanowires substrate with copper layer

Y Zhang, J Um, B Stadler… - IEEE Microwave and …, 2020 -
In this letter, a straightforward accurate method for magnetic nanowires (MNWs)
ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) frequency determination and permeability extraction is …

Micromagnetic Simulation of Magnetic Nanowires with Different Configurations for Bio Applications

Y Chen - 2024 -
Nanostructuring materials has long been an attractive topic. The unique magnetic properties
of magnetic nanowires (MNW), such as high aspect ratios, tunable magnetic anisotropy, and …

Nanotubes with a structure of the «magnetic core-noble metal shell» type

EE Shumskaya, AA Rogachev… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 -
Using a simple two-stage method including the electrochemical synthesis of Ni nanotubes in
the pores of PET membranes and their coating with gold or platinum, nanotubes with a …

Study of Nanowires for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Frequency Applications

Y Zhang - 2021 -
This dissertation discusses the application of nanowire (NW) technology applied in
millimeter wave and sub-millimeter wave frequency bands. Both magnetic nanowires …

Нанотрубки со структурой типа «магнитное ядро-оболочка из благородного металла»

ЕЕ Шумская, АА Рогачев… - Известия …, 2020 -
Аннотация С использованием простого двухстадийного метода, включающего
электрохимический синтез Ni нанотрубок в порах ПЭТФ-мембран и их покрытие …