IBM ILOG CP optimizer for scheduling: 20+ years of scheduling with constraints at IBM/ILOG

P Laborie, J Rogerie, P Shaw, P Vilím - Constraints, 2018 - Springer
Abstract IBM ILOG CP Optimizer is a generic CP-based system to model and solve
scheduling problems. It provides an algebraic language with simple mathematical concepts …

[PDF][PDF] Self-adapting large neighborhood search: Application to single-mode scheduling problems

P Laborie, D Godard - Proceedings MISTA-07, Paris, 2007 - Citeseer
Providing robust scheduling algorithms that can solve a large variety of scheduling problems
with good performance is one of the biggest challenge of practical schedulers today. In this …

[PDF][PDF] Randomized Large Neighborhood Search for Cumulative Scheduling.

D Godard, P Laborie, W Nuijten - ICAPS, 2005 -
This paper presents a Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) approach based on constraint
programming to solve cumulative scheduling problems. It extends earlier work on constraint …

Robustness in railway transportation scheduling

MA Salido, F Barber, L Ingolotti - 2008 7th World Congress on …, 2008 -
Railway scheduling has been a significant issue in the railway industry. Over the last few
years, numerous approaches and tools have been developed to compute railway …

Tactical capacity planning in a real-world ETO industry case: A robust optimization approach

AN Carvalho, F Oliveira, LF Scavarda - International Journal of Production …, 2016 - Elsevier
Uncertainty has a significant impact on the stability and performance of engineering-to-order
(ETO) production systems by affecting due date achievement, efficient resource allocation …

[PDF][PDF] Reasoning with Conditional Time-Intervals. Part II: An Algebraical Model for Resources.

P Laborie, J Rogerie, P Shaw, P Vilím - FLAIRS, 2009 -
Abstract In version 2.0, IBM ILOG CP Optimizer has been extended by the introduction of
scheduling support based on the concept of optional interval variables. This paper formally …

From precedence constraint posting to partial order schedules

N Policella, A Cesta, A Oddi, SF Smith - Ai Communications, 2007 -
Constraint-based approaches to scheduling have typically formulated the problem as one of
finding a consistent assignment of start times for each goal activity. In contrast, we are …

Integrating resource management and timeline-based planning

A Umbrico, A Cesta, MC Mayer… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
This paper describes how explicit resource reasoning is added within an existing temporal
planning framework that uses timelines as plan representation. The work is grounded on a …

Robust execution strategies for project scheduling with unreliable resources and stochastic durations

N Fu, HC Lau, P Varakantham - Journal of Scheduling, 2015 - Springer
The resource-constrained project scheduling problem with minimum and maximum time
lags (RCPSP/max) is a general model for resource scheduling in many real-world problems …

[PDF][PDF] Scheduling with uncertainty: a proactive approach using partial order schedules

N Policella - 2005 -
Over the last decades, many approaches have been developed for application to a variety of
different scheduling problems. Most of these techniques assume erroneously a complete …