Common and distinct networks underlying reward valence and processing stages: a meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies
To better understand the reward circuitry in human brain, we conducted activation likelihood
estimation (ALE) and parametric voxel-based meta-analyses (PVM) on 142 neuroimaging …
estimation (ALE) and parametric voxel-based meta-analyses (PVM) on 142 neuroimaging …
Advances in fMRI real-time neurofeedback
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback in
which real-time online fMRI signals are used to self-regulate brain function. Since its advent …
which real-time online fMRI signals are used to self-regulate brain function. Since its advent …
States versus rewards: dissociable neural prediction error signals underlying model-based and model-free reinforcement learning
Reinforcement learning (RL) uses sequential experience with situations (" states") and
outcomes to assess actions. Whereas model-free RL uses this experience directly, in the …
outcomes to assess actions. Whereas model-free RL uses this experience directly, in the …
Habits, rituals, and the evaluative brain
AM Graybiel - Annu. Rev. Neurosci., 2008 - annualreviews.org
Scientists in many different fields have been attracted to the study of habits because of the
power habits have over behavior and because they invoke a dichotomy between the …
power habits have over behavior and because they invoke a dichotomy between the …
The role of the dorsal striatum in reward and decision-making
Although the involvement in the striatum in the refinement and control of motor movement
has long been recognized, recent description of discrete frontal corticobasal ganglia …
has long been recognized, recent description of discrete frontal corticobasal ganglia …
What does the brain tell us about trust and distrust? Evidence from a functional neuroimaging study
A Dimoka - MIS quarterly, 2010 - JSTOR
Determining whom to trust and whom to distrust is a major decision in impersonal IT-
enabled exchanges. Despite the potential role of both trust and distrust in impersonal …
enabled exchanges. Despite the potential role of both trust and distrust in impersonal …
Neurobiological correlates of cue-reactivity in alcohol-use disorders: a voxel-wise meta-analysis of fMRI studies
J Zeng, S Yu, H Cao, Y Su, Z Dong, X Yang - … & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2021 - Elsevier
Altered brain responses to alcohol-associated stimuli are a neural hallmark of alcohol-use
disorder (AUD) and a promising target for pharmacotherapy. However, findings in cue …
disorder (AUD) and a promising target for pharmacotherapy. However, findings in cue …
Associative learning of social value
Our decisions are guided by information learnt from our environment. This information may
come via personal experiences of reward, but also from the behaviour of social partners …
come via personal experiences of reward, but also from the behaviour of social partners …
Choice, uncertainty and value in prefrontal and cingulate cortex
Reinforcement learning models that focus on the striatum and dopamine can predict the
choices of animals and people. Representations of reward expectation and of reward …
choices of animals and people. Representations of reward expectation and of reward …
Event‐related potential activity in the basal ganglia differentiates rewards from nonrewards: Temporospatial principal components analysis and source localization of …
Event‐related potential studies of reward processing have consistently identified the
feedback negativity (FN), an early neural response that differentiates feedback indicating …
feedback negativity (FN), an early neural response that differentiates feedback indicating …