Factors affecting nurse practitioner role implementation in Canadian practice settings: an integrative review

E Sangster‐Gormley, R Martin‐Misener… - Journal of advanced …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
sangster‐gormley e., martin‐misener r., downe‐wamboldt b. & dicenso a.(2011) Factors
affecting nurse practitioner role implementation in Canadian practice settings: an integrative …

Exploring nurse practitioner practice in Australian rural primary health care settings: A sco** review

R Rossiter, R Phillips, D Blanchard… - Australian Journal of …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Introduction Australians in rural areas experience limited access to services and poorer
health outcomes than residents of metropolitan areas. Nurse practitioners (NPs) were …

Time to clarify–the value of advanced practice nursing roles in health care

G Lowe, V Plummer, AP O'Brien… - Journal of advanced …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Lowe g., Plummer v., o'Brien ap & Boyd l.(2012) Time to clarify–the value of advanced
practice nursing roles in health care. Journal of Advanced Nursing68 (3), 677–685. Abstract …

[PDF][PDF] Clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners in Canada

A DiCenso, D Bryant-Lukosius - Canadian Health Services Research …, 2010 - ensp.fiocruz.br
Advanced nursing practice is an umbrella term describing an advanced level of clinical
nursing practice that maximizes the use of graduate educational preparation, in-depth …

A case study of nurse practitioner role implementation in primary care: what happens when new roles are introduced?

E Sangster-Gormley, R Martin-Misener, F Burge - BMC nursing, 2013 - Springer
Background At the time of this study (2009) the role of the nurse practitioner was new to the
province of British Columbia. The provincial government gave the responsibility for …

Medical acceptance of the nurse practitioner role in Australia: a decade on

L MacLellan, I Higgins… - Journal of the American …, 2015 - journals.lww.com
Purpose: In Australia, nurse practitioners (NPs) were first endorsed in 2000. After more than
a decade, the number of NPs remains relatively small with previous research suggesting …

Predictors of academic performance of nursing and paramedic students in first year bioscience

DG Whyte, V Madigan, EJ Drinkwater - Nurse education today, 2011 - Elsevier
The expanding scope of practice of paramedics and nurses demands they possess a
sophisticated knowledge of bioscience to enable them to think critically and make rational …

Nurse practitioner prescribing practices: the most frequently prescribed medications

T Buckley, A Cashin, M Stuart… - Journal of Clinical …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Aims and objectives To explore which medications A ustralian nurse practitioners most
frequently prescribe. Background Although nurse practitioners in A ustralia have prescriptive …

An overview of nursing in e urope: a swot analysis

G Manzano‐García, JC Ayala‐Calvo - Nursing inquiry, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This article sets out a global analysis of the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities
that define the current situation of nursing in E urope. The nursing profession in E urope is …

Nurse practitioner roles in Australian healthcare settings

G Lowe, V Plummer, L Boyd - Nursing Management, 2013 - journals.rcni.com
There is evidence of support for nurse practitioner (NP) roles in national and international
literature. However, despite this, and numerous Australian government feasibility and …