Climate change impacts on crop yields
Climate change challenges efforts to maintain and improve crop production in many regions.
In this Review, we examine yield responses to warmer temperatures, elevated carbon …
In this Review, we examine yield responses to warmer temperatures, elevated carbon …
Compound heat and moisture extreme impacts on global crop yields under climate change
Extreme heat, drought and moisture excess are increasingly co-occurring within a single
growing season, impacting crop yields in global breadbasket regions. In this Review, we …
growing season, impacting crop yields in global breadbasket regions. In this Review, we …
An overview of climate change impacts on agriculture and their mitigation strategies
In recent years, the adverse effect of climate change on soil properties in the agricultural
sector has become a dreadful reality worldwide. Climate change-induced abiotic stresses …
sector has become a dreadful reality worldwide. Climate change-induced abiotic stresses …
The fingerprints of climate warming on cereal crops phenology and adaptation options
Growth and development of cereal crops are linked to weather, day length and growing
degree-days (GDDs) which make them responsive to the specific environments in specific …
degree-days (GDDs) which make them responsive to the specific environments in specific …
Plant responses to climate change, how global warming may impact on food security: A critical review
Global agricultural production must double by 2050 to meet the demands of an increasing
world human population but this challenge is further exacerbated by climate change …
world human population but this challenge is further exacerbated by climate change …
Enhancing crop diversity for food security in the face of climate uncertainty
Global agriculture is dominated by a handful of species that currently supply a huge
proportion of our food and feed. It additionally faces the massive challenge of providing food …
proportion of our food and feed. It additionally faces the massive challenge of providing food …
Transpiration increases under high‐temperature stress: Potential mechanisms, trade‐offs and prospects for crop resilience in a warming world
The frequency and intensity of high‐temperature stress events are expected to increase as
climate change intensifies. Concomitantly, an increase in evaporative demand, driven in part …
climate change intensifies. Concomitantly, an increase in evaporative demand, driven in part …
The heat is on: how crop growth, development, and yield respond to high temperature
T Zhu, CF Fonseca De Lima… - Journal of Experimental …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Plants are exposed to a wide range of temperatures during their life cycle and need to
continuously adapt. These adaptations need to deal with temperature changes on a daily …
continuously adapt. These adaptations need to deal with temperature changes on a daily …
High night temperature effects on wheat and rice: Current status and way forward
Rapid increases in minimum night temperature than in maximum day temperature is
predicted to continue, posing significant challenges to crop productivity. Rice and wheat are …
predicted to continue, posing significant challenges to crop productivity. Rice and wheat are …
From the floret to the canopy: High temperature tolerance during flowering
M Liu, Y Zhou, J Sun, F Mao, Q Yao, B Li, Y Wang… - Plant …, 2023 - cell.com
Heat waves induced by climate warming have become common in food-producing regions
worldwide, frequently coinciding with high temperature (HT)-sensitive stages of many crops …
worldwide, frequently coinciding with high temperature (HT)-sensitive stages of many crops …