Presencias, riesgos e intensidades
ML Sáez - 2017 - sedici.unlp.edu.ar
Esta Tesis propone un análisis socio-antropológico de los procesos de formación de artistas
circenses-más específicamente acróbatas-, y bailarines y bailarinas de danza …
circenses-más específicamente acróbatas-, y bailarines y bailarinas de danza …
Becoming acrobat, becoming academic: An affective, autoethnographic inquiry into collective practices of knowing and becoming
L Stephens - Cultural Studies↔ Critical Methodologies, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
This article mobilizes a Spinozo–Deleuzian understanding of affect to articulate connections
between embodied sensation and academic thinking, connections which surfaced during …
between embodied sensation and academic thinking, connections which surfaced during …
[BOK][B] Female Aerialists in the 1920s and Early 1930s: Femininity, Celebrity, and Glamour
K Holmes - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Female solo aerialists of the 1920s and early 1930s were internationally popular performers
in the largest live performance mass entertainment of the period in the UK and USA. Yet …
in the largest live performance mass entertainment of the period in the UK and USA. Yet …
[PDF][PDF] Social Aerial Circus: Female Experience, Self-Perception and Self-Representation
C Watt - 2019 - cris.brighton.ac.uk
Women are often asked to conform to a rigid set of heteronormative ideas of femininity within
a culture that values women based on appearance. Images of women are prevalent in …
a culture that values women based on appearance. Images of women are prevalent in …
R Silvey, JF Bissonnette - … of Human Geography: Two Volume Set, 2014 - sk.sagepub.com
Sage Reference - The SAGE Handbook of Human Geography: Two Volume Set - Bodies Skip
to main content About Browse Reference Select discipline: Select subject: Select topic: Go …
to main content About Browse Reference Select discipline: Select subject: Select topic: Go …
[BOK][B] Aerial Stars: Femininity, Celebrity & Glamour in the Representations of Female Aerialists in the UK & USA in the 1920s and Early 1930s
CJ Holmes - 2017 - search.proquest.com
Female solo aerialists of the 1920s and early 1930s were internationally popular performers
in the largest live mass entertainment of the period in the UK and USA. Yet these aerialists …
in the largest live mass entertainment of the period in the UK and USA. Yet these aerialists …
[PDF][PDF] Circus as Occupation in Individual, Community, and Socio-Political Contexts
J Maglio - 2024 - academia.edu
Circus use by occupational therapists is an emerging area of practice. Circus can be
described as an occupational form of the creative arts that has potential use for occupational …
described as an occupational form of the creative arts that has potential use for occupational …
D'autres cirques à Montréal: représentations artistiques d'une pensée queer du monde
M Perahia - 2021 - spectrum.library.concordia.ca
Le cirque a depuis toujours un rapport ambivalent à la norme, et donc au social. Or les
formes performatives du cirque se transforment en lien avec les représentations sociales qui …
formes performatives du cirque se transforment en lien avec les représentations sociales qui …
Sighting Circus: Perceptions of circus phenomena investigated through diverse bodies
K Lavers - 2014 - ro.ecu.edu.au
This thesis is an investigation into modern circus from its beginnings in 1768 through to
present day contemporary circus arts. Eight diverse bodies in modern and contemporary …
present day contemporary circus arts. Eight diverse bodies in modern and contemporary …
Buried in the mix: touring sound technicians, sonic control, and emotional labour on Cirque du Soleil's Corteo
J Danson Faraday - 2021 - research.library.mun.ca
This dissertation investigates the lives and labour of the sound technicians who work on
Cirque du Soleil's arena show Corteo, a large-scale, highly structured, corporate touring …
Cirque du Soleil's arena show Corteo, a large-scale, highly structured, corporate touring …