Presencias, riesgos e intensidades

ML Sáez - 2017 -
Esta Tesis propone un análisis socio-antropológico de los procesos de formación de artistas
circenses-más específicamente acróbatas-, y bailarines y bailarinas de danza …

Becoming acrobat, becoming academic: An affective, autoethnographic inquiry into collective practices of knowing and becoming

L Stephens - Cultural Studies↔ Critical Methodologies, 2019 -
This article mobilizes a Spinozo–Deleuzian understanding of affect to articulate connections
between embodied sensation and academic thinking, connections which surfaced during …

[BOK][B] Female Aerialists in the 1920s and Early 1930s: Femininity, Celebrity, and Glamour

K Holmes - 2021 -
Female solo aerialists of the 1920s and early 1930s were internationally popular performers
in the largest live performance mass entertainment of the period in the UK and USA. Yet …

[PDF][PDF] Social Aerial Circus: Female Experience, Self-Perception and Self-Representation

C Watt - 2019 -
Women are often asked to conform to a rigid set of heteronormative ideas of femininity within
a culture that values women based on appearance. Images of women are prevalent in …


R Silvey, JF Bissonnette - … of Human Geography: Two Volume Set, 2014 -
Sage Reference - The SAGE Handbook of Human Geography: Two Volume Set - Bodies Skip
to main content About Browse Reference Select discipline: Select subject: Select topic: Go …

[BOK][B] Aerial Stars: Femininity, Celebrity & Glamour in the Representations of Female Aerialists in the UK & USA in the 1920s and Early 1930s

CJ Holmes - 2017 -
Female solo aerialists of the 1920s and early 1930s were internationally popular performers
in the largest live mass entertainment of the period in the UK and USA. Yet these aerialists …

[PDF][PDF] Circus as Occupation in Individual, Community, and Socio-Political Contexts

J Maglio - 2024 -
Circus use by occupational therapists is an emerging area of practice. Circus can be
described as an occupational form of the creative arts that has potential use for occupational …

D'autres cirques à Montréal: représentations artistiques d'une pensée queer du monde

M Perahia - 2021 -
Le cirque a depuis toujours un rapport ambivalent à la norme, et donc au social. Or les
formes performatives du cirque se transforment en lien avec les représentations sociales qui …

Sighting Circus: Perceptions of circus phenomena investigated through diverse bodies

K Lavers - 2014 -
This thesis is an investigation into modern circus from its beginnings in 1768 through to
present day contemporary circus arts. Eight diverse bodies in modern and contemporary …

Buried in the mix: touring sound technicians, sonic control, and emotional labour on Cirque du Soleil's Corteo

J Danson Faraday - 2021 -
This dissertation investigates the lives and labour of the sound technicians who work on
Cirque du Soleil's arena show Corteo, a large-scale, highly structured, corporate touring …