The Effect of Pop Up Book Media in Science Learning: A Literature Review

N Yanto, GH Muliana, S Zubair - EduLine: Journal of Education and …, 2023 -
This study aims to analyze the influence of Pop Up Book Media in science learning. This
study is a qualitative research in the form of literature studies. The articles reviewed in this …

Pengaruh penggunaan video animasi terhadap minat belajar siswa pada tema organ gerakan hewan di kelas v sekolah dasar

RAR Aprianti, C Rakhmat… - Jurnal Elementaria …, 2023 -
Keterlibatan dan partisipasi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran belum menujukkan keaktifan
siswa. Siswa cenderung kurang antusias dan proaktif dalam mengikuti pembelajaran …

Reducing misconceptions of elementary school students through guided inquiry learning

IG Margunayasa, N Dantes… - Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2021 -
Some students have a conception of the concepts before they attend school lessons. It is
because students are interested in the learning material delivered by the teacher. This study …

Pop-up book media on the topic of plants' anatomy and physiology

NPS Damayanti, K Yudiana - Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar, 2021 -
The limited presence of media in learning causes the learning process to seem monotonous
and less interesting. The thing that can be done to deal with these problems is to develop …

Pop-Up Book Media Assisted By QR Code For Second-Grade Elementary School Students

NKL Widarini, IG Margunayasa… - Journal for Lesson and …, 2022 -
The teacher only uses books in learning activities even though the book has many
shortcomings, such as an unattractive presentation. Students also need help understanding …

Pop-Up Book Learning Media Used with the Problem Based Learning Model to Determine Characters in Fictional Stories

SHN Triani, S Nuryanto - MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha, 2024 -
The low student learning outcomes in Indonesian are caused by a lack of media or a
mismatch in the learning models used by teachers in learning. This research aims to …

Integrated Thematic Oriented “Pop Up Book” Development on Thematic Learning for Lower Grade Elementary School

S Rahayu, AR Hakim, PD Yuliana… - … Journal of Elementary …, 2021 -
The lack of use of learning media, especially in thematic learning, causes students to
experience difficulties in learning. The need for learning media development in thematic …

Pop-Up Book Media on Animal Life Cycle Topic

NMRD Goestiani, IMC Wibawa… - Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah …, 2021 -
The lack of teacher creativity in develo** learning media that is by the characteristics of
students makes learning less than optimal. Therefore, it is necessary to develop suitable …

Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning Model on Creative Thinking in Senior High School

MI Sari, MR Pambudi, BO Gudu… - Jambura Geo Education …, 2023 -
In Indonesia, research show inadequacy in creative thinking skills among students with only
about 2% being proficient in tackling problems of moderate to high difficulty according to …

Puzzle-Based Pop-Up Media Book on Science Subject in Elementary School

A Agata, IM Tegeh… - International Journal of …, 2022 -
Teachers in teaching use one-way lectures and question and answer, causing students to
tend to be passive. It is because students only listen to the teacher's explanation, take notes …