Steroid transport, local synthesis, and signaling within the brain: roles in neurogenesis, neuroprotection, and sexual behaviors
Sex steroid hormones are synthesized from cholesterol and exert pleiotropic effects notably
in the central nervous system. Pioneering studies from Baulieu and colleagues have …
in the central nervous system. Pioneering studies from Baulieu and colleagues have …
Actions of steroids: new neurotransmitters
Over the past two decades, the classical understanding of steroid action has been updated
to include rapid, membrane-initiated, neurotransmitter-like functions. While steroids were …
to include rapid, membrane-initiated, neurotransmitter-like functions. While steroids were …
The dual action of estrogen hypothesis
Estradiol (E 2) can act in the brain in a relatively fast manner (ie, seconds to minutes) usually
through signaling initiated at the cell membrane. Brain-derived E 2 has thus been …
through signaling initiated at the cell membrane. Brain-derived E 2 has thus been …
Estrogen receptor β activation rapidly modulates male sexual motivation through the transactivation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1a
In addition to the transcriptional activity of their liganded nuclear receptors, estrogens, such
as estradiol (E2), modulate cell functions, and consequently physiology and behavior, within …
as estradiol (E2), modulate cell functions, and consequently physiology and behavior, within …
On the role of brain aromatase in females: why are estrogens produced locally when they are available systemically?
The ovaries are often thought of as the main and only source of estrogens involved in the
regulation of female behavior. However, aromatase, the key enzyme for estrogen synthesis …
regulation of female behavior. However, aromatase, the key enzyme for estrogen synthesis …
Rodent models of non-classical progesterone action regulating ovulation
It is becoming clear that steroid hormones act not only by binding to nuclear receptors that
associate with specific response elements in the nucleus but also by binding to receptors on …
associate with specific response elements in the nucleus but also by binding to receptors on …
The effects on steroidogenesis and histopathology of adult male Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) testis following pre-pubertal exposure to di (n-butyl) …
In the present study, we have investigated the effects of 30-day dietary (pre-pubertal)
exposure to different doses (0 (control), 1, 10, 50, 200 and 400 mg/kg bodyweight/day) of di …
exposure to different doses (0 (control), 1, 10, 50, 200 and 400 mg/kg bodyweight/day) of di …
Testosterone synthesis in the female songbird brain
Decades of work have established the brain as a source of steroid hormones, termed
'neurosteroids'. The neurosteroid neuroestradiol is produced in discrete brain areas and …
'neurosteroids'. The neurosteroid neuroestradiol is produced in discrete brain areas and …
Rapid estrogenic and androgenic neurosteroids effects in the induction of long-term synaptic changes: implication for early memory formation
Mounting experimental evidence demonstrate that sex neuroactive steroids (neurosteroids)
are essential for memory formation. Neurosteroids have a profound impact on the function …
are essential for memory formation. Neurosteroids have a profound impact on the function …
Behavioral neuroendocrinology of female aggression
Aggressive behavior plays an essential role in survival and reproduction across animal
species—it has been observed in insects, fish, reptiles, and mammals including humans …
species—it has been observed in insects, fish, reptiles, and mammals including humans …