[PDF][PDF] Towards Better Co-Design with Disciplinary Ontologies: Review and Evaluation of Data Interoperability in the AEC Industry.

D Elshani, T Wortmann, S Staab - LDAC@ ESWC, 2022 - linkedbuildingdata.net
In the building industry, disciplines have specific requirements for capturing, storing and
representing information. As a result, one physical object yields several disciplinary …

IFC to Building Energy Performance Simulation: A systematic review of the main adopted tools and approaches

M Elagiry, N Charbel, P Bourreau… - BauSim …, 2020 - publications.ibpsa.org
Due to the fast digital transition of the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Owner
Operator (AECOO) industry, a large amount of information is regularly exchanged between …

[PDF][PDF] Data patterns for the organisation of federated linked building data.

JM Werbrouck, P Pauwels, J Beetz, E Mannens - LDAC, 2021 - ceur-ws.org
Few industries are as fragmented as the building sector: during the life cycle of an asset,
countless stakeholders are involved, ranging from direct stakeholders such as the architect …

Ontology for BIM-Based Robotic Navigation and Inspection Tasks

F Bahreini, M Nasrollahi, A Taher… - …, 2024 - spectrum.library.concordia.ca
The availability of inspection robots in the construction and operation phases of buildings
has led to expanding the scope of applications and increasing technological challenges …

FEED2SEARCH: a framework for hybrid-molecule based semantic search

N Charbel, C Sallaberry, S Laborie… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Adopting semantic technologies has proven several benefits for enabling a better
representation of the data and empowering reasoning capabilities over it. However, there …

[PDF][PDF] The Web as a Common Data Environment: Management of Federated Multi-Models

J Werbrouck, P Pauwels, J Beetz, E Mannens - 2024 - researchgate.net
The built environment plays a fundamental role in sha** society. It is the backdrop for all
daily activities, and there are only few disciplines that are not affected by their surroundings …

The Need to Reconsider Digital Design Entities. A semantic framework to enhance computable representation of user/space interaction

A Trento, A Fioravanti, J Kieferle - ECAADE PROCEEDINGS, 2023 - iris.uniroma1.it
Reconsidering digital architectural design approaches involves an accurate observation of
the relation between human behaviours and spaces. Exploring the reciprocal relationships …

[PDF][PDF] Dynamic BIM model conversion as inference-based ontology alignment.

P Bourreau, J Oraskari - LDAC, 2021 - academia.edu
The AEC sector is known to be highly fragmented, different experts requiring different
information. Current BIM collaborative practices can be described as static as they are …

Ontological and Machine Learning Approaches for Inspection of Facilities Using BIM

F Bahreini - 2022 - spectrum.library.concordia.ca
Facilities should be kept in good condition throughout their lifecycle by rigorous inspection
processes. The semantic relationships between multiple inspection information during …

[PDF][PDF] Experimenting automatic generation of energy renovation scenarios with ontology reasoning

P Bourreau - itc.scix.net
Semantic web technology has been progressively adopted in the AEC domain for its
flexibility and extensibility in describing data schema, in particular the different IFC versions …