Ecological niche modelling approaches: Challenges and applications in vector-borne diseases
Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) pose a major threat to human and animal health, with more
than 80% of the global population being at risk of acquiring at least one major VBD. Being …
than 80% of the global population being at risk of acquiring at least one major VBD. Being …
Community-serving research addressing climate change impacts on vector-borne diseases
The impacts of climate change on vector-borne diseases are uneven across human
populations. This pattern reflects the effect of changing environments on the biology of …
populations. This pattern reflects the effect of changing environments on the biology of …
Trends in mosquito species distribution modeling: insights for vector surveillance and disease control
Species distribution modeling (SDM) has become an increasingly common approach to
explore questions about ecology, geography, outbreak risk, and global change as they …
explore questions about ecology, geography, outbreak risk, and global change as they …
Defining the roles of local precipitation and anthropogenic water sources in driving the abundance of Aedes aegypti, an emerging disease vector in urban, arid …
Understanding drivers of disease vectors' population dynamics is a pressing challenge. For
short-lived organisms like mosquitoes, landscape-scale models must account for their highly …
short-lived organisms like mosquitoes, landscape-scale models must account for their highly …
Seasonal changes in the diversity, host preferences and infectivity of mosquitoes in two arbovirus-endemic regions of Costa Rica
Background Mosquitoes are vectors of various arboviruses belonging to the genera
Alphavirus and Flavivirus, and Costa Rica is endemic to several of them. The aim of this …
Alphavirus and Flavivirus, and Costa Rica is endemic to several of them. The aim of this …
Chemical control of medically important arthropods in Panama: a systematic literature review of historical efforts
Vector-borne diseases are a major source of morbidity in Panama. Herein, we describe
historical usage patterns of synthetic insecticides to control arthropod disease vectors in this …
historical usage patterns of synthetic insecticides to control arthropod disease vectors in this …
Ensemble species distribution modeling of Culex tarsalis (Diptera: Culicidae) in the continental United States
West Nile virus (WNV) is the primary mosquito-borne disease in the United States and has
had case reports every year since its introduction in 1999. As such, it is critical that we …
had case reports every year since its introduction in 1999. As such, it is critical that we …
Understanding the spatial non-stationarity in the relationships between malaria incidence and environmental risk factors using Geographically Weighted Random …
As found in the health studies literature, the levels of climate association between
epidemiological diseases have been found to vary across regions. Therefore, it seems …
epidemiological diseases have been found to vary across regions. Therefore, it seems …
Species distribution modeling for disease ecology: a multi-scale case study for schistosomiasis host snails in Brazil
Species distribution models (SDMs) are increasingly popular tools for profiling disease risk
in ecology, particularly for infectious diseases of public health importance that include an …
in ecology, particularly for infectious diseases of public health importance that include an …
Determination of forest fire risk with respect to Marchalina hellenica potential distribution to protect pine honey production sites in Turkey
Turkey is the leading producer of pine honey worldwide, accounting for 90% of global
production, largely due to the presence of Marchalina hellenica populations. However, in …
production, largely due to the presence of Marchalina hellenica populations. However, in …