Underwater video techniques for observing coastal marine biodiversity: a review of sixty years of publications (1952–2012)
Underwater video techniques are increasingly used in marine ecology studies.
Technological progress regarding video cameras, sensors (such as sounders), battery life …
Technological progress regarding video cameras, sensors (such as sounders), battery life …
What is Big BRUVver up to? Methods and uses of baited underwater video
Abstract Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations (BRUVS) is a popular technique to
assess mobile nektonic and demersal assemblages, particularly for fish communities. The …
assess mobile nektonic and demersal assemblages, particularly for fish communities. The …
Quantifying shark distribution patterns and species-habitat associations: implications of marine park zoning
Quantifying shark distribution patterns and species-specific habitat associations in response
to geographic and environmental drivers is critical to assessing risk of exposure to fishing …
to geographic and environmental drivers is critical to assessing risk of exposure to fishing …
Camera technology for monitoring marine biodiversity and human impact
Human activities have fundamentally altered the marine environment, creating a need for
effective management in one of Earth's most challenging habitats. Remote camera imagery …
effective management in one of Earth's most challenging habitats. Remote camera imagery …
Observational methods used in marine spatial monitoring of fishes and associated habitats: a review
Management areas are used in marine spatial planning to conserve biodiversity of marine
ecosystems and to protect fish from fishing pressure. To evaluate the effectiveness of these …
ecosystems and to protect fish from fishing pressure. To evaluate the effectiveness of these …
Reef sharks exhibit site-fidelity and higher relative abundance in marine reserves on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef
Carcharhinid sharks can make up a large fraction of the top predators inhabiting tropical
marine ecosystems and have declined in many regions due to intense fishing pressure …
marine ecosystems and have declined in many regions due to intense fishing pressure …
Latitudinal shifts in coral reef fishes: why some species do and others do not shift
Climate change is resulting in rapid poleward shifts in the geographical distribution of many
tropical fish species, but it is equally apparent that some fishes are failing to exhibit expected …
tropical fish species, but it is equally apparent that some fishes are failing to exhibit expected …
Increased connectivity and depth improve the effectiveness of marine reserves
Marine reserves are a key tool for the conservation of marine biodiversity, yet only~ 2.5% of
the world's oceans are protected. The integration of marine reserves into connected …
the world's oceans are protected. The integration of marine reserves into connected …
Validating the use of baited remote underwater video surveys for assessing the diversity, distribution and abundance of sharks in the Bahamas
Baited remote underwater video surveys (BRUVS) are a novel, non-invasive method of
generating relative abundance indices for a number of marine species, including sharks …
generating relative abundance indices for a number of marine species, including sharks …
A review of underwater stereo-image measurement for marine biology and ecology applications
Over the last 40 years, underwater stereo-image measurement systems have employed
stereo-cameras and paired single cameras in a variety of congurations. Both still and movie …
stereo-cameras and paired single cameras in a variety of congurations. Both still and movie …