The state of adoption and the challenges of systematic variability management in industry
Handling large-scale software variability is still a challenge for many organizations. After
decades of research on variability management concepts, many industrial organizations …
decades of research on variability management concepts, many industrial organizations …
Reengineering legacy applications into software product lines: a systematic map**
Abstract Software Product Lines (SPLs) are families of systems that share common assets
allowing a disciplined reuse. Rarely SPLs start from scratch, instead they usually start from a …
allowing a disciplined reuse. Rarely SPLs start from scratch, instead they usually start from a …
Empirical software product line engineering: a systematic literature review
Abstract Context: The adoption of Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) is usually only
based on its theoretical benefits instead of empirical evidences. In fact, there is no work that …
based on its theoretical benefits instead of empirical evidences. In fact, there is no work that …
Espla: A catalog of extractive spl adoption case studies
Building Software Product Lines (SPLs) from existing artefacts is known as the extractive
approach for SPL adoption. The traditional case is that variants are created with ad-hoc …
approach for SPL adoption. The traditional case is that variants are created with ad-hoc …
Variability extraction and modeling for product variants
Fast changing hardware and software technologies in addition to larger and more
specialized customer bases demand software tailored to meet very diverse requirements …
specialized customer bases demand software tailored to meet very diverse requirements …
Facing the truth: benchmarking the techniques for the evolution of variant-rich systems
The evolution of variant-rich systems is a challenging task. To support developers, the
research community has proposed a range of different techniques over the last decades …
research community has proposed a range of different techniques over the last decades …
Variant-preserving refactorings for migrating cloned products to a product line
A common and simple way to create custom product variants is to copy and adapt existing
software (aka the clone-and-own approach). Clone-and-own promises low initial costs for …
software (aka the clone-and-own approach). Clone-and-own promises low initial costs for …
Automating the extraction of model-based software product lines from model variants (T)
We address the problem of automating 1) the analysis of existing similar model variants and
2) migrating them into a software product line. Our approach, named MoVaPL, considers the …
2) migrating them into a software product line. Our approach, named MoVaPL, considers the …
Teaching software product lines: A snapshot of current practices and challenges
Software Product Line (SPL) engineering has emerged to provide the means to efficiently
model, produce, and maintain multiple similar software variants, exploiting their common …
model, produce, and maintain multiple similar software variants, exploiting their common …
Evolving software system families in space and time with feature revisions
Software companies commonly develop and maintain variants of systems, with different
feature combinations for different customers. Thus, they must cope with variability in space …
feature combinations for different customers. Thus, they must cope with variability in space …