Temoporfin (Foscan®, 5,10,15,20‐Tetra(m‐hydroxyphenyl)chlorin)—A Second‐generation Photosensitizer†,‡
MO Senge, JC Brandt - Photochemistry and photobiology, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Temoporfin (Foscan®, 5,10,15,20‐Tetra(m‐hydroxyphenyl)chlorin)—A Second‐generation
Photosensitizer†,‡ - Senge - 2011 - Photochemistry and Photobiology - Wiley Online Library …
Photosensitizer†,‡ - Senge - 2011 - Photochemistry and Photobiology - Wiley Online Library …
Synthesis of bacteriochlorins and their potential utility in photodynamic therapy (PDT)
Y Chen, G Li, RK Pandey - Current Organic Chemistry, 2004 - benthamdirect.com
The porphyrins and related tetrapyrrole systems are among the most widely studied of all
macrocyclic compounds. In fact, in one capacity or another these versatile molecules have …
macrocyclic compounds. In fact, in one capacity or another these versatile molecules have …
X-ray induced photodynamic therapy with copper-cysteamine nanoparticles in mice tumors
Photodynamic therapy (PDT), a treatment that uses a photosensitizer, molecular oxygen,
and light to kill target cells, is a promising cancer treatment method. However, a limitation of …
and light to kill target cells, is a promising cancer treatment method. However, a limitation of …
X-ray-induced nanoparticle-based photodynamic therapy of cancer
X Zou, M Yao, L Ma, M Hossu, X Han, P Juzenas… - …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Aim: In this study, Ce3+-doped lanthanum (III) fluoride (LaF3: Ce3+) nanoparticles were
synthesized by a wet-chemistry method in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and their application …
synthesized by a wet-chemistry method in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and their application …
Photodynamic effects of porphyrin and chlorin photosensitizers in human colon adenocarcinoma cells
S Banfi, E Caruso, S Caprioli, L Mazzagatti… - Bioorganic & medicinal …, 2004 - Elsevier
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a cancer treatment involving systemic administration of a
tumor-localizing photosensitizer; this, when activated by the appropriate wavelength of light …
tumor-localizing photosensitizer; this, when activated by the appropriate wavelength of light …
Stable synthetic cationic bacteriochlorins as selective antimicrobial photosensitizers
Photodynamic inactivation is a rapidly develo** antimicrobial treatment that employs a
nontoxic photoactivatable dye or photosensitizer in combination with harmless visible light to …
nontoxic photoactivatable dye or photosensitizer in combination with harmless visible light to …
Synthesis and conjugation of Sr2MgSi2O7: Eu2+, Dy3+ water soluble afterglow nanoparticles for photodynamic activation
The applications of afterglow particles for photodynamic activation and biological imaging
have become a topical research area. For these applications, it is critical to have water …
have become a topical research area. For these applications, it is critical to have water …
Photodynamic Therapy With 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(m-Hydroxyphenyl) Bacteriochlorin for Colorectal Liver Metastases Is Safe and Feasible: Results From a Phase I …
FH van Duijnhoven, JP Rovers, K Engelmann… - Annals of surgical …, 2005 - Springer
Background The prognosis for patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma is
limited because of the low number of patients who are eligible for curative hepatic resection …
limited because of the low number of patients who are eligible for curative hepatic resection …
Near‐infrared Photosensitizer Based on a Cycloimide Derivative of Chlorin p6: 13,15‐N‐(3′‐Hydroxypropyl)Cycloimide Chlorin p6¶
A Feofanov, A Grichine, T Karmakova… - Photochemistry and …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT The 13, 15‐N‐(3′‐hydroxypropylcycloimide) chlorin p6 (CIC), which absorbs
at 711 nm, possesses considerable photoinduced cell‐killing activity. It is 43‐, 61‐and 110 …
at 711 nm, possesses considerable photoinduced cell‐killing activity. It is 43‐, 61‐and 110 …
Comparative Study of Photodynamic Properties of 13, 15‐N‐cycloimide Derivatives of chlorin p6¶
A Feofanov, G Sharonov, A Grichine… - Photochemistry and …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT Comparative study of 13, 15‐[N‐(2‐hydroxyethyl)] cycloimide chlorin p6 (2), 13,
15‐(N‐acetoxy) cycloimide chlorin p6 (3), 13, 15‐(N‐hydroxy) cycloimide chlorin p6 methyl …
15‐(N‐acetoxy) cycloimide chlorin p6 (3), 13, 15‐(N‐hydroxy) cycloimide chlorin p6 methyl …