Teacher pedagogic competency development model: a literature review

S Hartini, CP Bhakti, D Hartanto… - 5th Asia Pasific …, 2018‏ - atlantis-press.com
The purpose of this paper is to provide references related to the teacher's pedagogic
competency development model. Pedagogic competence is fundamental in education. This …

Professional development for pre-service teacher: A case study of professional development program for pre-service teacher in State University in Central Indonesia

DPDP Adnyani - 2015‏ - diva-portal.org
The present study was a case study which aimed at exploring pre-service teachers'
perceptions of PPG-SM3T program for their professional development. PPG-SM3T program …

An Exploratory Study of Indonesian Teachers' Digital Literacy Competences

H Soepriyanti, U Waluyo, M Sujana, E Fitriana - Technium Soc. Sci. J., 2022‏ - HeinOnline
This study aims to reveal how high school teachers adjust to the demand of utilizing digital
literacy skills in two selected areas of the Lombok Island, Indonesia. The study sought to get …

[PDF][PDF] Professional development of english teachers at a state islamic senior high school in Palembang

R Fadhliyah, S Mirizon, I Petrus - Indonesian Journal of EFL …, 2020‏ - repository.unsri.ac.id
The objectives of this study were to investigate teachers' professional development, the
obstacles faced by the teachers, teachers' efforts to resolve the obstacles, and school …

[PDF][PDF] Writing lessons in grade 1 Indonesian thematic textbooks: A content analysis

S Sulfasyah, A Bahri, SF Saleh - Indonesian Journal of Applied …, 2018‏ - core.ac.uk
Abstract The Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia has launched a new curriculum,
the 2013 Curriculum. It promotes a transition from a traditional learning approach to a more …

Design-based online teacher professional development to introduce integration of STEM in Pakistan

T Anwar - 2017‏ - search.proquest.com
In today's global society where innovations spread rapidly, the escalating focus on science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has quickly intensified in the United …

Empirical research on digital literacy in English education in Indonesian setting in recent 10 years

P Pardede, R Dewanti - JET (Journal of English Teaching), 2022‏ - ejournal.uki.ac.id
Due to its crucial significance to function in today's globally e-interpenetrated, schools are
supposed to be the first institution to accelerate digital literacy competence improvement. To …

Biology Online Classes During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

EK Putri, R Ambarwati, DA Rahayu… - … Joint Conference on …, 2020‏ - atlantis-press.com
Indonesia reduces the spreading of COVID-19 infection by physical distancing. There is no
argue that this policy affects all aspects, including education. Online learning has replaced …

Emancipating sensemaking: Teachers' learning experiences within a Pancasila-inspired Indonesian interregional online collaborative inquiry course

CE Pheeney - 2022‏ - search.proquest.com
Equip** teachers with effective professional learning experiences is essential to the
provision of quality education in complex and dynamic contemporary contexts. Relatedly …

[PDF][PDF] ESL teachers' perceptions and design and delivery ofProfessional Development

R Abeywickrama - 2020‏ - ajhssr.com
Identifying ESL teachers' perspectives of PD is important to provide them focussed
Professional Development (PD) opportunities forimproved classroom practices and …