Data warehouse design approaches from social media: review and comparison

I Moalla, A Nabli, L Bouzguenda… - Social Network Analysis …, 2017‏ - Springer
With the rise of social media in our life, several decision makers have worked on these
networks to make better decisions. In order to benefit from the data issued from these media …

YAM2: a multidimensional conceptual model extending UML

A Abelló, J Samos, F Saltor - Information Systems, 2006‏ - Elsevier
This paper presents a multidimensional conceptual Object-Oriented model for Data
Warehousing and OLAP tools, its structures, integrity constraints and query operations. It has …

[PDF][PDF] Designing the data warehouse: Key steps and crucial issues

M Golfarelli, S Rizzi - Journal of computer science and Information …, 1999‏ - Citeseer
• ABSTRACT Though designing a data warehouse requires techniques completely different
from those adopted for operational systems, no significant effort has been made so far to …

Multi-dimensional geospatial data mining in a distributed environment using MapReduce

M Alkathiri, A Jhummarwala, MB Potdar - Journal of Big Data, 2019‏ - Springer
Data mining and machine learning techniques for processing raster data consider a single
spectral band of data at a time. The individual results are combined to obtain the final output …

An object oriented multidimensional data model for OLAP

TB Nguyen, AM Tjoa, RR Wagner - … WAIM 2000 Shanghai, China, June 21 …, 2000‏ - Springer
Abstract Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) data is frequently organized in the form of
multidimensional data cubes each of which is used to examine a set of data values, called …

YAM/sup 2/(yet another multidimensional model): an extension of UML

A Abelló, J Samos - Proceedings International Database …, 2002‏ -
This paper presents a multidimensional conceptual object-oriented model, its structures,
integrity constraints and query operations. It has been developed as an extension of UML …

[PDF][PDF] A Conceptual Model for Multidimensional Data.

AS Kamble - APCCM, 2008‏ -
This paper introduces a Conceptual Data Model for Data Warehouse including
multidimensional aggregation. It is based on Entity-Relationships data model. The …

Conceptual multidimensional data model based on metacube

TB Nguyen, AM Tjoa, R Wagner - … , ADVIS 2000 Izmir, Turkey, October 25 …, 2000‏ - Springer
In this paper, we propose a conceptual multidimensional data model that facilitates a precise
rigorous conceptualization for OLAP. First, our approach has strong relation with …

Benefits of an object-oriented multidimensional data model

A Abelló, J Samos, F Saltor - … Sophia Antipolis, France, June 13, 2000 …, 2001‏ - Springer
In this paper, we try to outline the goodness of using an OO model on designing
multidimensional Data Marts. We argue that multidimensional modeling is lacking in …

Conceptual multidimensional modeling for data warehouses: a survey

A Gosain, J Singh - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on …, 2015‏ - Springer
Conceptual multidimensional modeling aims at providing high level of abstraction to
describe the data warehouse process and architecture, independent of implementation …