Advances and challenges in single-molecule electron transport
Electronic transport properties of single-molecule junctions have been widely measured by
several techniques, including mechanically controllable break junctions, electromigration …
several techniques, including mechanically controllable break junctions, electromigration …
Quantum transport in carbon nanotubes
Carbon nanotubes are a versatile material in which many aspects of condensed matter
physics come together. Recent discoveries have uncovered new phenomena that …
physics come together. Recent discoveries have uncovered new phenomena that …
Contacting individual graphene nanoribbons using carbon nanotube electrodes
Graphene nanoribbons synthesized using bottom-up approaches can be structured with
atomic precision, allowing their physical properties to be precisely controlled. For …
atomic precision, allowing their physical properties to be precisely controlled. For …
Mechanical systems in the quantum regime
Mechanical systems are ideal candidates for studying quantum behavior of macroscopic
objects. To this end, a mechanical resonator has to be cooled to its ground state and its …
objects. To this end, a mechanical resonator has to be cooled to its ground state and its …
Thermoelectric energy harvesting with quantum dots
We review recent theoretical work on thermoelectric energy harvesting in multi-terminal
quantum-dot setups. We first discuss several examples of nanoscale heat engines based on …
quantum-dot setups. We first discuss several examples of nanoscale heat engines based on …
Perspective: Theory of quantum transport in molecular junctions
Molecular junctions, where single molecules are bound to metal or semiconductor
electrodes, represent a unique architecture to investigate molecules in a distinct …
electrodes, represent a unique architecture to investigate molecules in a distinct …
Qubit-oscillator systems in the ultrastrong-coupling regime and their potential for preparing nonclassical states
We consider a system composed of a two-level system (ie, a qubit) and a harmonic oscillator
in the ultrastrong-coupling regime, where the coupling strength is comparable to the qubit …
in the ultrastrong-coupling regime, where the coupling strength is comparable to the qubit …
Strong coupling between single-electron tunneling and nanomechanical motion
Nanoscale resonators that oscillate at high frequencies are useful in many measurement
applications. We studied a high-quality mechanical resonator made from a suspended …
applications. We studied a high-quality mechanical resonator made from a suspended …
Electron transfer through rigid organic molecular wires enhanced by electronic and electron–vibration coupling
Electron transfer (ET) is a fundamental process in a wide range of biological systems,
photovoltaics and molecular electronics. Therefore to understand the relationship between …
photovoltaics and molecular electronics. Therefore to understand the relationship between …
Strong spin–phonon coupling between a single-molecule magnet and a carbon nanotube nanoelectromechanical system
Magnetic relaxation processes were first discussed for a crystal of paramagnetic transition
ions. It was suggested that mechanical vibrations of the crystal lattice (phonons) modulate …
ions. It was suggested that mechanical vibrations of the crystal lattice (phonons) modulate …