[HTML][HTML] Biodiesel production from mixed oils: A sustainable approach towards industrial biofuel production
Biodiesel is considered eco-friendly, biodegradable, non-toxic, and carbon-neutral fuel. It is
made from edible or non-edible oil feedstocks including other triglyceride sources. The …
made from edible or non-edible oil feedstocks including other triglyceride sources. The …
Environmental life cycle assessment of biodiesel production from waste cooking oil: A systematic review
Waste cooking oil (WCO) disposal in landfills or discharge into sewer systems could cause
severe environmental challenges. Therefore, extensive efforts are made to develop …
severe environmental challenges. Therefore, extensive efforts are made to develop …
Optimizing biodiesel production from waste with computational chemistry, machine learning and policy insights: a review
The excessive reliance on fossil fuels has resulted in an energy crisis, environmental
pollution, and health problems, calling for alternative fuels such as biodiesel. Here, we …
pollution, and health problems, calling for alternative fuels such as biodiesel. Here, we …
A novel biomass derived activated carbon mediated AC@ ZnO/NiO bifunctional nanocatalyst to produce high-quality biodiesel from dairy industry waste oil: CI engine …
In the current study, biomass-derived activated carbon (AC) with zinc oxide/nickel oxide
(AC@ ZnO/NiO) bifunctional nanocatalyst with enhanced surface area is utilized for the …
(AC@ ZnO/NiO) bifunctional nanocatalyst with enhanced surface area is utilized for the …
Production of renewable biodiesel using metal organic frameworks based materials as efficient heterogeneous catalysts
Biodiesel has emerged as a versatile alternative to fossil-derived fuels which is a renewable
and eco-friendly. The reactions via which biodiesel is synthesized from oil feedstocks are …
and eco-friendly. The reactions via which biodiesel is synthesized from oil feedstocks are …
Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil: a perspective on catalytic processes
Presently, the use of fossil fuels is not ecologically sustainable, which results in the need for
new alternative energies such as biodiesel. This work presents a review of the classification …
new alternative energies such as biodiesel. This work presents a review of the classification …
[HTML][HTML] Green heterogeneous base catalyst from ripe and unripe plantain peels mixture for the transesterification of waste cooking oil
Economical feedstocks such as agricultural wastes, food wastes, and waste cooking oil were
used for biodiesel production to expand their application. Thus, a solid base catalyst was …
used for biodiesel production to expand their application. Thus, a solid base catalyst was …
[HTML][HTML] Transforming wastewater-derived algae biodiesel with ammonium hydroxide emulsion for enhanced energy efficiency and emission reduction
S Vellaiyan - Results in Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
The growing demand for sustainable energy has prompted a search for alternative fuels,
with microalgae-based biodiesel emerging as a promising option. However, improving its …
with microalgae-based biodiesel emerging as a promising option. However, improving its …
[HTML][HTML] Microwave-assisted biodiesel synthesis from waste cooking oil: Exploring the potential of carob pod-derived solid base catalyst
B Oladipo, S Qasana, SC Zini, N Menemene… - Fuel Processing …, 2024 - Elsevier
This work examined the potency of carob (Ceratonia siliqua) pod as a heterogeneous base
catalyst for converting waste cooking oil (WCO) into biodiesel via a microwave irradiation …
catalyst for converting waste cooking oil (WCO) into biodiesel via a microwave irradiation …
Experimental Investigation and neural network modelling of diesel engine using hexanol blended ternary waste cooking oil biodiesel with moderate preheating
The depleting fossil fuel reserves, rising air pollution, technology transformation threat, and
most recently, global economic slowdown by the COVID-19 pandemic, led the internal …
most recently, global economic slowdown by the COVID-19 pandemic, led the internal …