Mathematical models in flood management: overview and challenges

D De Wrachien, S Mambretti, A Sole - WIT Transactions on Ecology …, 2010 -
One-third of the annual natural disasters and economic losses, and more than half of the
respective victims are flood related. These hazards are likely to become more frequent and …

1D modelling of dam-break surges with floating debris

S Mambretti, E Larcan, D De Wrachien - Biosystems engineering, 2008 - Elsevier
To predict flood and debris flow dynamics a numerical model, based on 1D De Saint Venant
(SV) equations, was developed. The McCormack–Jameson shock-capturing scheme was …

Hydrodynamic Process of Partial and en Masse Dam Failure Induced Debris Flows

A Shu, L Wang, F Zhu, J Zhu, C Pi, Z Zhang… - Frontiers in …, 2022 -
Because of landslides, seismic events, and/or unregulated human activities, a massive
amount of loose solid materials are sometimes deposited at the confluence between the …

Theoretical and experimental analysis of debris flow: rheology and two‐phase modelling

S Mambretti, E Larcan… - Irrigation and Drainage …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
To predict debris flow dynamics a numerical model, based on 1D De Saint Venant (SV)
equations, was developed. The McCormack–Jameson shock capturing scheme was …

Mathematical models in flood management: overview, laboratory tests and case study

D De Wrachien, S Mambretti - Flood Risk Assessment and …, 2012 -
One-third of the annual natural disasters and economic losses, and more than half of the
respective victims are flood related. These hazards are likely to become more frequent and …

Dam-break shock waves: a two-phase model for mature and immature debris flow

D De Wrachien, S Mambretti - WIT Transactions on Engineering …, 2008 -
To predict flood and debris flow dynamics a numerical model, based on 1D De Saint Venant
(SV) equations, modified for including erosion/deposition processes along the path, was …

[PDF][PDF] Debris flow and dam-break surges: Experimental analysis and two-phase modelling

S Mambretti, E Larcan, D De Wrachien - Quaderni di Idronomia …, 2007 -
To predict floods and debris flow dynamics a numerical model, based on 1D De Saint
Venant (SV) equations, was developed. The McCormack–Jameson shock capturing scheme …

[PDF][PDF] Dam-break wave routing

D De Wrachien, S Mambretti - WIT Transactions on State-of-the …, 2009 -
Studies of dam-break consider, mainly, situations of clear-water surges. However, under
natural conditions a dam-break flow can generate extensive debris or encounter floating …

[DOC][DOC] Dam-break with floating debris: A 1D, two-phase model for mature and immature flow propagation

D De Wrachien, S Mambretti - AgEng2008 Agricultural and biosystems …, 2008 -
To predict flood and debris flow dynamics a numerical model, based on 1D De Saint Venant
(SV) equations, modified for including erosion/deposition processes along the path, was …


S Mambretti, D De Wrachien… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2008 -
To predict floods and debris flow dynamics a numerical model, based on 1D De Saint
Venant (SV) equations, was developed. The McCormack –Jameson shock capturing …