Variation in recombination frequency and distribution across eukaryotes: patterns and processes
Recombination, the exchange of DNA between maternal and paternal chromosomes during
meiosis, is an essential feature of sexual reproduction in nearly all multicellular organisms …
meiosis, is an essential feature of sexual reproduction in nearly all multicellular organisms …
From molecules to populations: appreciating and estimating recombination rate variation
Recombination is a central biological process with implications for many areas in the life
sciences. Yet we are only beginning to appreciate variation in the recombination rate along …
sciences. Yet we are only beginning to appreciate variation in the recombination rate along …
A genomic timescale for placental mammal evolution
The precise pattern and timing of speciation events that gave rise to all living placental
mammals remain controversial. We provide a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of …
mammals remain controversial. We provide a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of …
Purging of highly deleterious mutations through severe bottlenecks in Alpine ibex
Human activity has caused dramatic population declines in many wild species. The resulting
bottlenecks have a profound impact on the genetic makeup of a species with unknown …
bottlenecks have a profound impact on the genetic makeup of a species with unknown …
Stable recombination hotspots in birds
The DNA-binding protein PRDM9 has a critical role in specifying meiotic recombination
hotspots in mice and apes, but it appears to be absent from other vertebrate species …
hotspots in mice and apes, but it appears to be absent from other vertebrate species …
Measuring individual inbreeding in the age of genomics: marker-based measures are better than pedigrees
Inbreeding (mating between relatives) can dramatically reduce the fitness of offspring by
causing parts of the genome to be identical by descent. Thus, measuring individual …
causing parts of the genome to be identical by descent. Thus, measuring individual …
A high‐density linkage map enables a second‐generation collared flycatcher genome assembly and reveals the patterns of avian recombination rate variation and …
Detailed linkage and recombination rate maps are necessary to use the full potential of
genome sequencing and population genomic analyses. We used a custom collared …
genome sequencing and population genomic analyses. We used a custom collared …
The genomic footprint of whaling and isolation in fin whale populations
Twentieth century industrial whaling pushed several species to the brink of extinction, with
fin whales being the most impacted. However, a small, resident population in the Gulf of …
fin whales being the most impacted. However, a small, resident population in the Gulf of …
The recombination landscape of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata genome
Understanding the causes and consequences of variation in the rate of recombination is
essential since this parameter is considered to affect levels of genetic variability, the efficacy …
essential since this parameter is considered to affect levels of genetic variability, the efficacy …
Puma genomes from North and South America provide insights into the genomic consequences of inbreeding
Pumas are the most widely distributed felid in the Western Hemisphere. Increasingly,
however, human persecution and habitat loss are isolating puma populations. To explore …
however, human persecution and habitat loss are isolating puma populations. To explore …