Chimeras are this year coming of age since they were first observed by Kuramoto and
Battogtokh in 2002 in a one-dimensional network of complex Ginzburg–Landau equations …
Battogtokh in 2002 in a one-dimensional network of complex Ginzburg–Landau equations …
Chimera states in neuronal networks: A review
Neuronal networks, similar to many other complex systems, self-organize into fascinating
emergent states that are not only visually compelling, but also vital for the proper functioning …
emergent states that are not only visually compelling, but also vital for the proper functioning …
Multi-chimera states in a higher order network of FitzHugh–Nagumo oscillators
Z Wang, M Chen, X **, H Tian, R Yang - The European Physical Journal …, 2024 - Springer
A chimera state represents a distinct configuration within interconnected oscillatory networks
comprising both coherent and incoherent oscillators. In specific scenarios, multiple sets of …
comprising both coherent and incoherent oscillators. In specific scenarios, multiple sets of …
Chimera states: coexistence of coherence and incoherence in networks of coupled oscillators
A chimera state is a spatio-temporal pattern in a network of identical coupled oscillators in
which synchronous and asynchronous oscillation coexist. This state of broken symmetry …
which synchronous and asynchronous oscillation coexist. This state of broken symmetry …
Six decades of the FitzHugh–Nagumo model: A guide through its spatio-temporal dynamics and influence across disciplines
Abstract The FitzHugh–Nagumo equation, originally conceived in neuroscience during the
1960s, became a key model providing a simplified view of excitable neuron cell behavior. Its …
1960s, became a key model providing a simplified view of excitable neuron cell behavior. Its …
Synchronization patterns and chimera states in complex networks: Interplay of topology and dynamics
E Schöll - The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2016 - Springer
We review chimera patterns, which consist of coexisting spatial domains of coherent
(synchronized) and incoherent (desynchronized) dynamics in networks of identical …
(synchronized) and incoherent (desynchronized) dynamics in networks of identical …
Coherence resonance in neural networks: Theory and experiments
The paper is devoted to the review of the coherence resonance phenomenon in excitable
neural networks. In particular, we explain how coherence can be measured and how noise …
neural networks. In particular, we explain how coherence can be measured and how noise …
The mathematics behind chimera states
OE Omel'chenko - Nonlinearity, 2018 -
Chimera states are self-organized spatiotemporal patterns of coexisting coherence and
incoherence. We give an overview of the main mathematical methods used in studies of …
incoherence. We give an overview of the main mathematical methods used in studies of …
Chimera states in a multilayer network of coupled and uncoupled neurons
We study the emergence of chimera states in a multilayer neuronal network, where one
layer is composed of coupled and the other layer of uncoupled neurons. Through the …
layer is composed of coupled and the other layer of uncoupled neurons. Through the …
Chimera death: Symmetry breaking in dynamical networks
For a network of generic oscillators with nonlocal topology and symmetry-breaking coupling
we establish novel partially coherent inhomogeneous spatial patterns, which combine the …
we establish novel partially coherent inhomogeneous spatial patterns, which combine the …