Rangelands of Central Asia: challenges and opportunities

A Mirzabaev, M Ahmed, J Werner, J Pender… - Journal of arid land, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Rangelands of Central Asia (referring to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in this study), the largest contiguous area of grazed land in …

A review of potential methods for monitoring rangeland degradation in Libya

A Al-Bukhari, S Hallett, T Brewer - Pastoralism, 2018 - Springer
Natural and human factors exert a profound impact on the degradation of rangelands,
human effects being the most significant factor in increasing the severity of deterioration …

Illumination invariant segmentation of vegetation for time series wheat images based on decision tree model

W Guo, UK Rage, S Ninomiya - Computers and electronics in agriculture, 2013 - Elsevier
Effective and efficient segmentation of vegetation from digital plant images is an actively
studied topic in crop phenoty**. Many of the formerly proposed methods showed good …

A reliable and non-destructive method for estimating forage shrub cover and biomass in arid environments using digital vegetation charting technique

M Louhaichi, S Hassan, K Clifton, DE Johnson - Agroforestry Systems, 2018 - Springer
Despite the importance of fodder shrubs to small ruminant diets and production in arid and
semi-arid ecosystems, they are often not considered when quantifying grazing land …

Impact of grazing on soil, vegetation and ewe production performances in a semi-arid rangeland

M Islam, A Razzaq, S Gul, S Ahmad… - Journal of Mountain …, 2018 - Springer
Controlled grazing is considered a good management strategy to maintain or increase the
live weight of livestock and to reduce vegetation degradation of rangelands. The present …

Accurate determination of surface reference data in digital photographs in ice-free surfaces of Maritime Antarctica

P Pina, G Vieira, L Bandeira, C Mora - Science of the Total Environment, 2016 - Elsevier
The ice-free areas of Maritime Antarctica show complex mosaics of surface covers, with wide
patches of diverse bare soils and rock, together with various vegetation communities …

Art to science: tools for greater objectivity in resource monitoring

DT Booth, SE Cox - Rangelands, 2011 - BioOne
Art to Science: Tools for Greater Objectivity in Resource Monitoring About BioOne
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Influence of rangeland protection and seasonal grazing on aboveground vegetation, forage quality and weight gain of small ruminants—a study in Thar Desert …

M Islam, A Razzaq, S Hassan, M Zubair… - Journal of Mountain …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract The Thar Desert, Sindh, Pakistan is characterized by low productivity. Besides,
economy is based on agriculture, livestock and mining, nevertheless, livestock graze freely …

Assessment of long-term protection on the aboveground biomass and organic carbon content using two non-destructive techniques: case of the Sidi Toui National …

R Chibani, A Tlili, FB Salem, M Louhaichi… - African Journal of …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Long-term protection of arid ecosystems changes the vegetation and soil structures. The
quantification of aboveground biomass and carbon content are among the principal …