Time-resolved experiments on gas-phase atoms and molecules with XUV and X-ray free-electron lasers

D Rolles - Advances in Physics: X, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
Over the last 20 years, XUV and X-ray free-electron lasers have enabled a wide variety of
time-resolved experiments that have dramatically advanced our understanding of ultrafast …

Time-resolved x-ray scattering of excited state structure and dynamics

H Yong, A Kirrander, PM Weber - 2023‏ - books.rsc.org
Directly observing atomic motions in molecules during chemical dynamics has long
constituted one of the grand challenges in chemistry. 1 The emergence of X-ray free …

Alignment dependence of photoelectron angular distributions in the few-photon ionization of molecules by ultraviolet pulses

HVS Lam, TN Wangjam, V Kumarappan - Physical Review A, 2022‏ - APS
We probe the time-dependent ionization dynamics of impulsively excited rotational wave
packets of N 2, CO 2, and C 2 H 4 using broadband ultraviolet pulses centered at 262 nm …

Quantitative analysis of aligned-molecule photoelectron angular distributions

JL Woodhouse, JOF Thompson, J Benda… - Physical Review A, 2025‏ - APS
Molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions (MFPADs) provide the full available
detail of the photoionization process. Careful analysis of the evolving photoelectron angular …

[HTML][HTML] Basic studies toward ultrafast soft x-ray photoelectron diffraction; its application to probing local structure in iodobenzene molecules

T Teramoto, S Minemoto, T Majima, T Mizuno… - Structural …, 2022‏ - pubs.aip.org
Ultrafast x-ray photoelectron diffraction (UXPD) for free molecules has a promising potential
to probe the local structures of the molecules in an element-specific fashion. Our UXPD …

Photoelectron Diffraction

T Jahnke, D Rolles - 2023‏ - books.rsc.org
Accessing and visualizing the microscopic domain consisting of atoms and molecules in a
successively increasing level of detail is a long-lasting, yet ongoing research endeavour …

Time-resolved shot-by-shot photoelectron spectroscopy of autoionizing states by EUV–free-electron-laser and near-IR laser pulses

M Fushitani, Y Kawabe, H Fujise, M Yamada… - Physical Review A, 2021‏ - APS
Ultrafast dynamics of highly excited Rydberg states of Xe+ is investigated by time-resolved
shot-by-shot photoelectron spectroscopy with EUV–free-electron-laser pump (40.8 eV) and …

Photoelectron angular distribution studies for two spin–orbit-split components of Xe 3d subshell: a critical comparison between theory and experiment

S Minemoto, T Teramoto, T Majima… - Journal of Physics B …, 2021‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The photoelectron angular distribution asymmetry parameters β of the Xe 3d subshell were
investigated using an x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) at photon energies of 750 and 800 eV …

X-ray Photoelectron Angular Distributions from Organic Molecules by Femtosecond Soft X-ray Free Electron Lasers at PAL-XFEL

S Minemoto, T Teramoto, T Majima… - International …, 2020‏ - opg.optica.org
X-ray Photoelectron Angular Distributions from Organic Molecules by Femtosecond Soft X-ray
Free Electron Lasers at PAL-XFEL Page 1 M4B.36.pdf The 22nd International Conference on …

X 線自由電子レーザーを利用した超高速分子構造決定法の開発

峰本紳一郎 - 原子衝突学会誌しょうとつ, 2024‏ - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 私たちは, 光化学反応途中の分子構造ダイナミクスを直接観測することを最終的な目標として,
超高速 X 線光電子回折法という手法の開発研究を続けている. これまでに, 硬 X 線・軟 X …