Linking brainwaves to the brain: an ERP primer
This article reviews literature on the characteristics and possible interpretations of the event-
related potential (ERP) peaks commonly identified in research. The description of each peak …
related potential (ERP) peaks commonly identified in research. The description of each peak …
The late posterior negativity in ERP studies of episodic memory: action monitoring and retrieval of attribute conjunctions
M Johansson, A Mecklinger - Biological psychology, 2003 - Elsevier
The focus of the present paper is a late posterior negative slow wave (LPN) that has
frequently been reported in event-related potential (ERP) studies of memory. An overview of …
frequently been reported in event-related potential (ERP) studies of memory. An overview of …
[HTML][HTML] Opposing mechanisms support the voluntary forgetting of unwanted memories
RG Benoit, MC Anderson - Neuron, 2012 - cell.com
Reminders of the past can trigger the recollection of events that one would rather forget.
Here, using fMRI, we demonstrate two distinct neural mechanisms that foster the intentional …
Here, using fMRI, we demonstrate two distinct neural mechanisms that foster the intentional …
The components of working memory updating: an experimental decomposition and individual differences.
Working memory updating (WMU) has been identified as a cognitive function of prime
importance for everyday tasks and has also been found to be a significant predictor of higher …
importance for everyday tasks and has also been found to be a significant predictor of higher …
Using ERPs to dissociate recollection from familiarity in picture recognition
Dual process theories posit that separate recollection and familiarity processes contribute to
recognition memory. Previous research, testing recognition memory for words, indicates that …
recognition memory. Previous research, testing recognition memory for words, indicates that …
Effects of attention and confidence on the hypothesized ERP correlates of recollection and familiarity
T Curran - Neuropsychologia, 2004 - Elsevier
Dual-process theories suggest that recognition memory is determined by two separate
processes: familiarity and recollection. Experiment 1 behaviorally replicated past studies …
processes: familiarity and recollection. Experiment 1 behaviorally replicated past studies …
FN400 potentials are functionally identical to N400 potentials and reflect semantic processing during recognition testing
JL Voss, KD Federmeier - Psychophysiology, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
The “F” in FN400 denotes a more frontal scalp distribution relative to the morphologically
similar N400 component—a distinction consistent with the hypothesized distinct roles of …
similar N400 component—a distinction consistent with the hypothesized distinct roles of …
The neural basis of the butcher-on-the-bus phenomenon: when a face seems familiar but is not remembered
A common distinction in contemporary research on episodic memory is between familiarity,
an unsubstantiated impression that an event was experienced previously, and recollection …
an unsubstantiated impression that an event was experienced previously, and recollection …
The FN400 indexes familiarity-based recognition of faces
T Curran, J Hancock - Neuroimage, 2007 - Elsevier
Separate event-related brain potential (ERP) components have been hypothesized to index
familiarity and recollection processes that support recognition memory. A 300-to 500-ms mid …
familiarity and recollection processes that support recognition memory. A 300-to 500-ms mid …
Recognition memory for emotional and neutral faces: An event-related potential study
M Johansson, A Mecklinger, AC Treese - Journal of Cognitive …, 2004 - direct.mit.edu
This study examined emotional influences on the hypothesized event-related potential
(ERP) correlates of familiarity and recollection (Experiment 1) and the states of awareness …
(ERP) correlates of familiarity and recollection (Experiment 1) and the states of awareness …