The nanosyntax of case

P Caha - 2009 -
This dissertation proposes a new approach to case. It unifies its syntax, morphology and
semantics in a simple, fine-grained and restrictive picture. One of the assumptions frequently …

The typology of motion expressions revisited1

J Beavers, B Levin, SW Tham - Journal of linguistics, 2010 -
This paper provides a new perspective on the options available to languages for encoding
directed motion events. Talmy (2000) introduces an influential two-way typology, proposing …

[BOOK][B] Adpositions

C Hagège - 2010 -
This pioneering study is based on an analysis of over 200 languages, including African,
Amerindian, Australian, Austronesian, Indo-European and Eurasian (Altaic, Caucasian …

Limits on P: filling in holes vs. falling in holes

P Svenonius - Nordlyd, 2003 -
All Germanic languages make extensive use of verb-particle combinations (known as
separable-prefix verbs in the OV languages). I show some basic differences here …

[BOOK][B] Voice at the interfaces: The syntax, semantics, and morphology of the Hebrew verb

I Kastner - 2020 -
This books presents the most comprehensive description and analysis to date of Hebrew
morphology, with an emphasis on the verbal templates. Its aim is to develop a theory of …

[BOOK][B] Middles and argument structure across languages

M Marelj - 2004 -
Middles across languages share a core of common semantic characteristics. Yet they exhibit
striking differences, as shown on the language-sample that includes Dutch, English …

[BOOK][B] Typological studies: Word order and relative clauses

G Cinque - 2014 -
In this book, Cinque takes a generative perspective on typological questions relating to word
order and to the syntax of relative clauses. In particular, Cinque looks at: the position of the …

Building and interpreting possession sentences

NJ Myler - 2014 -
This dissertation is fundamentally about the place of thematic roles in the architecture of the
grammar. One contemporary viewpoint takes thematic roles to be formal features present in …

The syntax and semantics of applicative morphology in Bantu

KJ Jerro - 2016 -
This dissertation concerns itself with the applicative morpheme, often analyzed as a valency-
increasing morpheme which licenses an additional object to the argument structure of a …

The evolution of c-structure: prepositions and PPs from Indo-European to Romance

N Vincent - 1999 -
Within X-bar theory prepositions are standardly taken to constitute one of the core lexical
categories along with verbs, nouns, and adjectives definable by the features [±V,±N] …