Hominin taxic diversity: Fact or fantasy?
B Wood, E K. Boyle - American journal of physical anthropology, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
In this review of the evidence for and against taxic diversity within the hominin clade, we
begin by looking at the logic and the history of simple “ladder‐like” interpretations of the …
begin by looking at the logic and the history of simple “ladder‐like” interpretations of the …
Cenozoic vegetation, climate changes and hominid evolution in tropical Africa
R Bonnefille - Global and Planetary Change, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper reviews information on past vegetation of tropical Africa during the Cenozoic,
focused upon the last 10Ma, a time spanning hominid record in Central and East Africa …
focused upon the last 10Ma, a time spanning hominid record in Central and East Africa …
Woody cover and hominin environments in the past 6 million years
The role of African savannahs in the evolution of early hominins has been debated for nearly
a century. Resolution of this issue has been hindered by difficulty in quantifying the fraction …
a century. Resolution of this issue has been hindered by difficulty in quantifying the fraction …
Ardipithecus ramidus and the Paleobiology of Early Hominids
Hominid fossils predating the emergence of Australopithecus have been sparse and
fragmentary. The evolution of our lineage after the last common ancestor we shared with …
fragmentary. The evolution of our lineage after the last common ancestor we shared with …
Ancient Origin and Gene Mosaicism of the Progenitor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
The highly successful human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis has an extremely low
level of genetic variation, which suggests that the entire population resulted from clonal …
level of genetic variation, which suggests that the entire population resulted from clonal …
Reappraising the palaeobiology of Australopithecus
Z Alemseged - Nature, 2023 - nature.com
The naming of Australopithecus africanus in 1925, based on the Taung Child, heralded a
new era in human evolutionary studies and turned the attention of the then Eurasian-centric …
new era in human evolutionary studies and turned the attention of the then Eurasian-centric …
[CARTE][B] Происхождение языка: Факты, исследования, гипотезы
С Бурлак - 2018 - books.google.com
Исследование вопроса о происхождении человеческого языка, или глоттогенеза,
похоже на детектив: слишком много версий и улики-доказательства приходится …
похоже на детектив: слишком много версий и улики-доказательства приходится …
“Lucy” redux: A review of research on Australopithecus afarensis
WH Kimbel, LK Delezene - American journal of physical …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
In the 1970s, mid‐Pliocene hominin fossils were found at the sites of Hadar in Ethiopia and
Laetoli in Tanzania. These samples constituted the first substantial evidence for hominins …
Laetoli in Tanzania. These samples constituted the first substantial evidence for hominins …
No sustained increase in zooarchaeological evidence for carnivory after the appearance of Homo erectus
The appearance of Homo erectus shortly after 2.0 Ma is widely considered a turning point in
human dietary evolution, with increased consumption of animal tissues driving the evolution …
human dietary evolution, with increased consumption of animal tissues driving the evolution …
Asa Issie, Aramis and the origin of Australopithecus
The origin of Australopithecus, the genus widely interpreted as ancestral to Homo, is a
central problem in human evolutionary studies. Australopithecus species differ markedly …
central problem in human evolutionary studies. Australopithecus species differ markedly …