Fear-related signals are prioritised in visual, somatosensory and spatial systems
The human brain has evolved a multifaceted fear system, allowing threat detection to enable
rapid adaptive responses crucial for survival. Although many cortical and subcortical brain …
rapid adaptive responses crucial for survival. Although many cortical and subcortical brain …
The interaction between felt touch and tactile consequences of observed actions: an action-based somatosensory congruency paradigm
Action observation leads to a representation of both the motor aspect of an observed action
(motor simulation) and its somatosensory consequences (action-based somatosensory …
(motor simulation) and its somatosensory consequences (action-based somatosensory …
Dissociation between emotional remap** of fear and disgust in alexithymia
There is growing evidence that individuals are able to understand others' emotions because
they “embody” them, ie, re-experience them by activating a representation of the observed …
they “embody” them, ie, re-experience them by activating a representation of the observed …
The detached self: Investigating the effect of depersonalisation on self-bias in the visual remap** of touch
There is a growing consensus that our most fundamental sense of self is structured by the
ongoing integration of sensory and motor information related to our own body …
ongoing integration of sensory and motor information related to our own body …
Fear‐specific enhancement of tactile perception is disrupted after amygdala lesion
Tactile perception on one's own face is enhanced when viewing a fearful face being touched–
as opposed to just approached–by fingers, compared to viewing other expressions, a …
as opposed to just approached–by fingers, compared to viewing other expressions, a …
Vicarious experiences and detection accuracy while observing pain and touch: The effect of perspective taking
In this study, we investigated the effects of observing pain and touch in others on vicarious
somatosensory experiences and the detection of subtle somatosensory stimuli. Furthermore …
somatosensory experiences and the detection of subtle somatosensory stimuli. Furthermore …
I know how you feel coding others' somatosensory experience in the observer's somatosensory cortex
A Rossetti - 2014 - boa.unimib.it
My doctoral thesis aims at exploring the role of the somatosensory cortices in the visual
coding of others' tactile experiences. Several studies posit the existence in the human brain …
coding of others' tactile experiences. Several studies posit the existence in the human brain …
[HTML][HTML] L'indefinibile confine tra mente e corpo nella comunicazione orale
E LÀDAVAS - dorif.it
Elisabetta LÀDAVAS, L'indefinibile confine tra mente e corpo nella comunicazione orale -
Repères-Dorif Salta al contenuto Repères-Dorif Logo Repères-Dorif Logo Accueil La revue …
Repères-Dorif Salta al contenuto Repères-Dorif Logo Repères-Dorif Logo Accueil La revue …