A meta‐review of 10 years of green human resource management: is Green HRM headed towards a roadblock or a revitalisation?
Over the past decade Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) has emerged as a
growing field of conceptual and empirical work both within, and separate from, the broader …
growing field of conceptual and empirical work both within, and separate from, the broader …
Green human resource management research in emergence: A review and future directions
The growing awareness of and regulations related to environmental sustainability have
invoked the concept of green human resource management (GHRM) in the search for …
invoked the concept of green human resource management (GHRM) in the search for …
Work engagement and employee satisfaction in the practice of sustainable human resource management–based on the study of Polish employees
Sustainable human resource management (SHRM) views employees as a very important
resource for the organisation, while paying close attention to their preferences, needs, and …
resource for the organisation, while paying close attention to their preferences, needs, and …
[HTML][HTML] Future of digital work: Challenges for sustainable human resources management
This research aims to present a synopsis of four eminent theoretical concepts that scholars
have expended to help understand how digitalisation has changed the workplace as we …
have expended to help understand how digitalisation has changed the workplace as we …
The impact of green human resource management practices on sustainable performance in healthcare organisations: A conceptual framework
Over the past few years, organisations have faced pressure from stakeholders to adopt
environmentally friendly business practices, where it is becoming critical to identify green …
environmentally friendly business practices, where it is becoming critical to identify green …
A contribution to sustainable human resource development in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic
This examines the six drivers and twelve detailed practices of sustainable human resource
development (S-HRD) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic across different …
development (S-HRD) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic across different …
[HTML][HTML] How sustainable human resources management helps in the evaluation and planning of employee loyalty and retention: Can social capital make a difference …
Researchers establish that the current challenges of human resources management to
attract and retain talent are based on fostering and increasing the participation of …
attract and retain talent are based on fostering and increasing the participation of …
[HTML][HTML] Human resources development as an element of sustainable HRM–with the focus on production engineers
K Piwowar-Sulej - Journal of cleaner production, 2021 - Elsevier
The concept of sustainability has been gaining importance and influencing the development
of an approach towards employees referred to as sustainable HRM (SHRM). HR …
of an approach towards employees referred to as sustainable HRM (SHRM). HR …
Enhancing the role of human resource management in corporate sustainability and social responsibility: A multi-stakeholder, multidimensional approach to HRM
This paper focuses on the increased pressure for corporations to engage in corporate
sustainability (CS) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to address the current …
sustainability (CS) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in order to address the current …
A structural model of the impact of green intellectual capital on sustainable performance
This study examined the relationship between green intellectual capital and sustainable
performance. While many studies have focused on sustainability, this study is one of the first …
performance. While many studies have focused on sustainability, this study is one of the first …