Sixty-five years of solar radioastronomy: flares, coronal mass ejections and Sun–Earth connection
M Pick, N Vilmer - The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 2008 - Springer
This paper will review the input of 65 years of radio observations to our understanding of
solar and solar–terrestrial physics. It is focussed on the radio observations of phenomena …
solar and solar–terrestrial physics. It is focussed on the radio observations of phenomena …
[HTML][HTML] Basic topology of twisted magnetic configurations in solar flares
Basic topology of twisted magnetic configurations in solar flares ADS Classic is now deprecated.
It will be completely retired in October 2019. This page will automatically redirect to the new …
It will be completely retired in October 2019. This page will automatically redirect to the new …
Modelling and observations of photospheric magnetic helicity
P Démoulin, E Pariat - Advances in Space Research, 2009 - Elsevier
Mounting observational evidence of the emergence of twisted magnetic flux tubes through
the photosphere have now been published. Such flux tubes, formed by the solar dynamo …
the photosphere have now been published. Such flux tubes, formed by the solar dynamo …
Formation of torus-unstable flux ropes and electric currents in erupting sigmoids
We analyze the physical mechanisms that form a three-dimensional coronal flux rope and
later cause its eruption. This is achieved by a zero-β magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) …
later cause its eruption. This is achieved by a zero-β magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) …
Yohkoh SXT observations of X-ray “dimming” associated with a halo coronal mass ejection
AC Sterling, HS Hudson - The Astrophysical Journal, 1997 - iopscience.iop.org
A sudden depletion or intensity" dimming" of the X-ray corona sometimes accompanies a
solar eruptive flare or coronal mass ejection (CME). We have identified a dimming that …
solar eruptive flare or coronal mass ejection (CME). We have identified a dimming that …
3-D magnetic configurations supporting prominences. I. The natural presence of lateral feet
It is now commonly accepted that prominence plasma is supported in magnetic dips, in
particular in twisted flux-tubes. But present two-dimensional models are unable to explain …
particular in twisted flux-tubes. But present two-dimensional models are unable to explain …
Coronal “wave”: magnetic footprint of a coronal mass ejection?
GDR Attrill, LK Harra, L van Driel-Gesztelyi… - The Astrophysical …, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
We investigate the properties of two" classical" EUV Imaging Telescope (EIT) coronal waves.
The two source regions of the associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) possess opposite …
The two source regions of the associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) possess opposite …
Transient coronal sigmoids and rotating erupting flux ropes
To determine the relationship between transient coronal (soft X-ray or EUV) sigmoids and
erupting flux ropes, we analyse four events in which a transient sigmoid could be associated …
erupting flux ropes, we analyse four events in which a transient sigmoid could be associated …
Formation of current sheets and sigmoidal structure by the kink instability of a magnetic loop
We study dynamical consequences of the kink instability of a twisted coronal flux rope, using
the force-free coronal loop model by [CITE] as the initial condition in ideal-MHD simulations …
the force-free coronal loop model by [CITE] as the initial condition in ideal-MHD simulations …
Observing coronal mass ejections without coronagraphs
HS Hudson, EW Cliver - Journal of Geophysical Research …, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
A coronal mass ejection (CME), strictly speaking, is a phenomenon observed via a white‐
light coronal imager. In addition to coronagraphs, a wide variety of other instruments provide …
light coronal imager. In addition to coronagraphs, a wide variety of other instruments provide …