The aftermath of debt surges
Debt in emerging markets and develo** economies is at its highest level in half a century.
In about 9 in 10 emerging markets and develo** economies, debt is higher now than it …
In about 9 in 10 emerging markets and develo** economies, debt is higher now than it …
Global capital allocation
We survey the literature on global capital allocation. We begin by reviewing the rise of cross-
border investment, the shift toward portfolio investment, and the literature focusing on …
border investment, the shift toward portfolio investment, and the literature focusing on …
Redrawing the map of global capital flows: The role of cross-border financing and tax havens
Global firms finance themselves through foreign subsidiaries, often shell companies in tax
havens, which obscures their true economic location in official statistics. We associate the …
havens, which obscures their true economic location in official statistics. We associate the …
The external wealth of nations revisited: international financial integration in the aftermath of the global financial crisis
This paper documents the evolution of international financial integration since the global
financial crisis using an updated dataset on external assets and liabilities, covering 212 …
financial crisis using an updated dataset on external assets and liabilities, covering 212 …
Banking, trade, and the making of a dominant currency
We explore the interplay between trade-invoicing patterns and the pricing of safe assets in
different currencies. Our theory highlights the following points:(i) a currency's role as a unit of …
different currencies. Our theory highlights the following points:(i) a currency's role as a unit of …
International currencies and capital allocation
We establish currency as an important factor sha** global portfolios. Using a new security-
level data set, we demonstrate that investor holdings are biased toward their own currencies …
level data set, we demonstrate that investor holdings are biased toward their own currencies …
The dollar, bank leverage, and deviations from covered interest parity
We document a triangular relationship in that a stronger dollar goes hand in hand with larger
deviations from covered interest parity (CIP) and contractions of cross-border bank lending …
deviations from covered interest parity (CIP) and contractions of cross-border bank lending …
[HTML][HTML] The us treasury premium
We quantify the difference in the convenience yield of US Treasuries and government bonds
of other developed countries by measuring the deviation from covered interest parity …
of other developed countries by measuring the deviation from covered interest parity …
A model of the international monetary system
We propose a simple model of the international monetary system. We study the world supply
and demand for reserve assets denominated in different currencies under a variety of …
and demand for reserve assets denominated in different currencies under a variety of …
Global dollar credit and carry trades: a firm-level analysis
We conduct a firm-level analysis of borrowing in US dollars by nonfinancial corporates from
outside the United States. We find that emerging market firms with already high cash …
outside the United States. We find that emerging market firms with already high cash …