Influence of chemical schemes, numerical method and dynamic turbulent combustion modeling on LES of premixed turbulent flames
Abstract This paper describes Large Eddy Simulations of a turbulent premixed flame (the
VOLVO rig) comparing Analytically Reduced Chemistry (ARC) with globally reduced …
VOLVO rig) comparing Analytically Reduced Chemistry (ARC) with globally reduced …
Structure of wall-bounded flows at transcritical conditions
At transcritical conditions, the transition of a fluid from a liquidlike state to a gaslike state
occurs continuously, which is associated with significant changes in fluid properties …
occurs continuously, which is associated with significant changes in fluid properties …
Numerical simulation study on the dynamics of bluff-body flames under oxygen-lean conditions
Active Control of Longitudinal Combustion Instability in Bluff-Body Stabilized Premixed Flames with Multiple Neural Network Controller
The suppression performance of multiple neural network controller on the longitudinal
combustion instability is investigated in the Volvo bluff-body stabilized premixed flame. Two …
combustion instability is investigated in the Volvo bluff-body stabilized premixed flame. Two …