Electromicrobiology: the ecophysiology of phylogenetically diverse electroactive microorganisms
Electroactive microorganisms markedly affect many environments in which they establish
outer-surface electrical contacts with other cells and minerals or reduce soluble extracellular …
outer-surface electrical contacts with other cells and minerals or reduce soluble extracellular …
An evolving view on biogeochemical cycling of iron
Biogeochemical cycling of iron is crucial to many environmental processes, such as ocean
productivity, carbon storage, greenhouse gas emissions and the fate of nutrients, toxic …
productivity, carbon storage, greenhouse gas emissions and the fate of nutrients, toxic …
The microbial nitrogen-cycling network
Nitrogen is an essential component of all living organisms and the main nutrient limiting life
on our planet. By far, the largest inventory of freely accessible nitrogen is atmospheric …
on our planet. By far, the largest inventory of freely accessible nitrogen is atmospheric …
Methanotrophs: discoveries, environmental relevance, and a perspective on current and future applications
Methane is the final product of the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. The
conversion of organic matter to methane (methanogenesis) as a mechanism for energy …
conversion of organic matter to methane (methanogenesis) as a mechanism for energy …
Diversity and evolution of methane-related pathways in archaea
Methane is one of the most important greenhouse gases on Earth and holds an important
place in the global carbon cycle. Archaea are the only organisms that use methanogenesis …
place in the global carbon cycle. Archaea are the only organisms that use methanogenesis …
An evolving view of methane metabolism in the Archaea
Methane is a key compound in the global carbon cycle that influences both nutrient cycling
and the Earth's climate. A limited number of microorganisms control the flux of biologically …
and the Earth's climate. A limited number of microorganisms control the flux of biologically …
Methane feedbacks to the global climate system in a warmer world
Methane (CH4) is produced in many natural systems that are vulnerable to change under a
warming climate, yet current CH4 budgets, as well as future shifts in CH4 emissions, have …
warming climate, yet current CH4 budgets, as well as future shifts in CH4 emissions, have …
Syntrophy goes electric: direct interspecies electron transfer
Direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) has biogeochemical significance, and practical
applications that rely on DIET or DIET-based aspects of microbial physiology are growing …
applications that rely on DIET or DIET-based aspects of microbial physiology are growing …
Anaerobic methane oxidation coupled to manganese reduction by members of the Methanoperedenaceae
Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is a major biological process that reduces global
methane emission to the atmosphere. Anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) mediate …
methane emission to the atmosphere. Anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) mediate …
Sustainable nitrogen removal in anammox-mediated systems: Microbial metabolic pathways, operational conditions and mathematical modelling
Anammox-mediated systems have attracted considerable attention as alternative cost-
effective technologies for sustainable nitrogen (N) removal from wastewater. This review …
effective technologies for sustainable nitrogen (N) removal from wastewater. This review …